The End.

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i guess i never really explained what happened with Harry towards the end.

All the dates between November 10, 2010 and May 6, 2017 are all part of Harry's mind. In the final chapter, London Times, it states Harry was in a coma for 7 Years.  So everything written and happened were all some type of dream.

When Louis stops talking or acknowledging Harry after May, 2017 it's because Harry has to take some pills to try and help suppress his disorders, So basically by taking his pills, his schizophrenia was suppressed and he couldnt see Louis anymore. . Harry then thinks it might be due to his medicine so he stops taking it then Louis appears again and they go on a date.

Harry kept refusing any help and in the end he ended up killing himself so he could be with Louis again.


Sorry if its confusing and what not. This was my first ever fanfiction I've conpleted and I cant believe it nearly has 100k reads!! and 4k votes, that is absolutely incredible, thank you.

All the love. x


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