Chapter 1

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I awoke to two men conversing, I knew not where I was nor how I'd end up here. I found myself laying on a wooden floor with both my feet and hands bound, my mouth was infused with blood and saliva, the duck tape over my mouth restrained me from getting rid of the bitter taste. I slowly open my eyes to get a sense of where I was, from my point of view it was difficult to recognize something if anything. I was limited sight wise but my sense of smell was perfectly in order, I smelled cigarettes and for some strange reason bleach. I inwardly started to panic, I looked around once more to see if I could spot a knife, gun, an ice prick any sharp object that would help me defend myself and once more I saw nothing. I over heard them talking, they were debating the Falcons and Packers games both men seemed passionate about their argument I instantly assumed I was in Wisconsin Or Georgia either way I was miles away from home. My heart danced in my chest as I further panicked; my palms began to sweat, I started questioning everything why was I here, what did I do, and were they going to kill me.

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