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"Okay, time's up. Please pass your papers to the front." Mr. Molina announced as his timer went off.

I sighed as placed my pencil down. I guess it doesn't matter how old you get, you'll always hate taking tests. I heard Edward chuckle as I turned to collect the papers behind me. I rolled my eyes at him. I heard Bella whispering to him, but he just shook his head. I turned back around and smiled politely at Bella, handing her the papers.

She timidly smiled back as Edward took the papers from her. It had been a couple of weeks since Edward and I had talked. Things were a little better now. A part of me still felt indifferent about being close to him again, but I was ready to just let the past be the past.

I knew things would never be how they used to be, but just knowing Edward was alive was going to have to be enough for me. Edward sighed, heavily, as he turned to face me. I just ignored him.


Not now, Toni. I thought.

I'm sorry.

You say that a lot now. I shook my head.

But I am. Edward sighed.

Just don't worry about it. I'm fine. I told you it was going to take awhile before I was going to be okay about everything. I snapped.

The bell rang before Edward could answer me. I sighed in relief as I quickly walked out the door. Edward and Bella were right on my heel. Once we entered the cafeteria, Alice nearly tackled me to the ground.

"Ellie!" She said, enthusiastically.

"Yes, Alice?" I grumbled, as Jasper helped pry her off of me.

"Are you coming over today?"

"I go over everyday. What makes today any different?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Oh, nothing." Alice hummed, as she sat in her seat beside Jasper.

I cocked an eyebrow at her as I sat down with the group. What a weirdo.

Edward busted out laughing and I felt my face grow hot.

"Shut up!" I snapped. Stay out of my head!

"Sorry." Edward chuckled.

I rolled my eyes as I set my head down. I could hear everyone asking Edward what was so funny, whether it was out loud or in their heads. Edward just shook his head. So far things had been going great with the Cullen's.

Alice had obviously taken a liking to me. As funny and as charming as she is, she's also a lot to handle. Jasper was a bit more resevred. I like hanging out with him the most. It was always relaxing to talk about anything and everything with him. I'd have to say so far Jasper was my favorite.

Rosalie was your typical girl. All about the hottest trends, how cute she looks, and how much she loved Emmett. She seemed conceited, but i've come to learn that its just how she presents herself. Emmett was like a big brother. He was cocky, arrogant, and thought he was stronger than everyone. Of course, I gladly made sure to bring him down a couple of notches.

Edward snorted.

"What?" I snapped.

"Nothing. You're just funny." Edward replied.

"Whatever." I mumbled, rolling my eyes as I stood up.

"Where are you going?" Bella asked.

"Home. I don't feel...well." I said, so she'd understand.


I turned around and quickly walked out the cafeteria. I could sense Edward following me, but i just ignored him. I wasn't really in the mood to put up with him or anyone else.


I was a bit surprised to say the least.

I honestly hadn't expected him to be waiting for me.

I had managed to ditch Edward on my way home. i hadn't really felt like going down memory lane again with him. I just wanted to be left alone in the solace of my house. But apparently that wasn't going to happen.

I slowed down to a quick walk as I confront Sam at my door. I cocked my eyebrow at him in curiosity. It wasn't like him to let his guard down and meet me in human form.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" I asked, as I unlocked my door.

"It's Jacob."

"What about him?" I asked, as I sat down on the sofa. Sam stood, awkwardly, beside the door. I sighed. "You can sit down, Sam. I'm not going to bite you or anything. I prefer cheetah, not wolf."

Sam rolled his eyes as he sat down. "Jacob's been acting weird lately. Well, worse than usual."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"I'm not sure. He didn't say anything specifically, but on one of our rounds your name came up. I figured you might know something." Sam said.

"So you came all the way over here based on some hunch that Jacob was depressed because of me?" I asked.

"Something like that."

I sighed. That didn't exactly make sense. Why would anything I had done upset Jacob? I kinda figured he hated me since he learned about Edward. I thought that was why he had stopped coming over. I shook my head as I looked up at Sam.

"Well, what can I do for you then?" I asked.

Sam let out a deep sigh as if he were repulsed by what he had to say next.

"Come by my house this weekend."

xXxAuthor's NotexXx

Crappy ending, I know. I have a bit of writer's block but I'm hoping to get over it soon!

Well, as always, be sure to comment/vote/fan! I really appreciate it all! =D

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