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"Mummy, mummy!!! Josie threw mud in my face!! Tell Auntie Sophie, tell her!"

"Lewis... Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't throw mud first"

At this point I was crying with laughter. At five years old, immaturity was gold- especially when Lewis was around.
Lewis was my 'baby buddy' as my mother would say. Lewis' mum Jade was best friends with my mum, Sophie. They were also 'baby buddies' if you like. Their friendship was unbreakable- even to the point where they got pregnant in the same month. So when Lewis and I were both born in October, they considered themselves to be like sisters- hence why I called Jade 'Auntie Jade', and Lewis called my mother 'Auntie Sophie'.

"She threw the mud first!!" Lewis said with a stroppy face.

"Lewis you threw it first! And you ate a snail! You're ewwwy!" I backfired.

Auntie Jade was trying so hard not to laugh- but she couldn't contain herself when Lewis and I got into our little picky fights.

"Soph, I think you should come and see this" Jade said with squeaks of laughter escaping her voice.

"What the hell has happened n-... Josie!!! Why do you always get so dirty before dinner and after your baths?!"

A cheeky little giggle escaped my mouth- and I knew for a fact that my mother couldn't keep a straight face when I did this. The smirk that formed across her face proved it.

"Blimey... If you two end up together you'll be a nightmare couple!" My mother always said this, and always got the same reply from Lewis and I.

"Ew no!!!"

But I suppose everything changes in the future. I just didn't know it yet.

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