Me and Mysterious Assassin (part2)

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Just I thought I'm still in this dream as the same routine Xhao we're just the same looking at the mirror as always *suddenly*.
"Lady Xhao... Lady Xhao...!" Fai Shout.
"*look at her* what is it Fai...?" I asked.
"Master... (Master?) Master is..."
"It been a while Xhao..." The man said.
Who's that?
"You've come home Ming..." I said.
Ming... Ah I see your aunties son... So that's his name Ming... Not cool at all.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"Still in that tone... Why should I this is my home." Ming said.
"That's not what I meant.... Have you not been trained not to get inside someones room." I said.
"Such a great tone saying that to the masters house... Don't you forget we only adopted you because of my fathers will and also because your father and my father were close and haven't you forgoten that I will be your husband soon." Ming said.
H-husband to be! this arrogant man....? Seriously Xhao...?!
"I didn't forget... It was uncle wish and I don't have the right to say no to his last dying wished and besides I'm not that person who flirt...." I said.
"*pissed-off* you...!"
"Master! Please I'm begging you... Don't come any closer to lady Xhao have you forgotten your promise to madam..." Fai said.
"Tsk... I'll see you again." Ming said.
He left...
"I'm sorry lady Xhao master says those thing to you..." Fai said.
"*smile* Fai you shouldn't have to be apologize to me besides I know my position to this house." I said.
"Fai... Please you better go down aunty, she might scold you again.. Go now I'll come down after I finished." I said.
We both look at Fai left and I felt Xhao's pain again and this time both of us shed tears... Xhao... Don't force yourself....people... They just like that... Sometimes it is hard to understand them even though we were all same species. As the same Xhao do all the work for the bar and also she has been practising a lot today and the night has come dancing while singing Xhao's mother favorite song while dancing and suddenly saw him but this time his not wearing any mask and his staring at me all the time and I hate it, for some reason both I and Xhao, our hearts beating to fast then Xhao tried to sneak to look at him but he was already gone after the performance Xhao sat down and wait for sometimes then for some reason Xhao and I fell asleep then.
"*running* lady Xhao! Lady Xhao...!" A girl scream.
"Chie...! What are you doing here?" I asked.
"*crying* Feng... Feng... Feng is giving birth!" Chei said.
Both of us and Chei run toward Feng house and Chei's father Doctor Hei is already there.
"Doctor! Feng... (He looks away and Xhao went inside and saw the baby is crying and Feng is... She died... Xhao... I felt Xhao her sadness she slum down Xhao slowly carry the baby and the baby is crying I felt Xhao also crying and slowly...
"F-feng...? H-hey wake up... Don't joke around please... (We heard Chei's crying to her father Xhao stood up) where is Zhen? Where is he?!" I asked.
The doctor look at me in curious... Xhao I think something had happened to Zhen.
"Lady Xhao you didn't know what happened to Big brother?" Chei said.
"Chei...!" The doctor shout.
"Doctor... What happened to Zhen? And why Feng died? What just happened?!" I asked.
I look at him, he look troubled he don't know what to say... Xhao... Just I thought something had happened to Zhen and Feng.
"Doctor..." I said.
"Chei... Why don't you go to Feng's room... (As I look at her she knew) after your performance Zheng run toward to my clinic asking for help that Feng has her time to give birth as we both went home some people we don't know suddenly barge in their house and also they almost hurt Feng because of that Zhen got angry and tried to punch one of them that is why they took Zhen... Feng was crying and tried to stop them but I stop her because her water broke and I ... I can't do anything." Doctor Hei said.
Xhao would like to say something "Feng!... Feng!... Are you home?" A women said.
Who's that
"L-lady Xhao... Why are you here?" She said.
"What happened (my tone suddenly change) tell me..." I said.
As I look at the women suddenly I felt strange she became someone else, Xhao... What's wrong?
"Zhen... They going to executed him now!" The women said.
"*surprised* where?!" I said.
"That is..."
"I'll take you there right now! Chei! (She look at us in a worried expression) take Feng's son were going to stop those people executing people without any reasons!" Doctor Hei said.
For some reasons my heart suddenly felt heavy... Xhao...
"Over there!" Doctor Hei said.
We both surprised he was tortured badly and he was almost out of breath without hesitate Xhao run to stop the execution.
"STOP!" I said.
The people who were looking for the execution suddenly turn toward Xhao staring at her, whispering, and that guy who called himself Xhao's fiancee showed up.
"My... My... Xhao! What are you doing here? Ahh... I see looking for the execution (someone whisper to him and he left) I see that's not it then... Your here for stopping this day... Why would my wife to be doing such an act?" Ming said.
As he tried to touched my face my anger and Xhao's explode and a echo sound of slap that both of us made hear the entire place.
"Executing person without any reasons... What kind of act is that you made Ming..." I said.
"*laughing* (moron) my soon to be wife slap an imperial collector... How rude... *whisper* trying to get in my way I'll let that old man be next." Ming said.
We were both stunt when he said Xhao react to it and even I.
"Why did you do this Ming, Zhen didn't do anything to you! Please (suddenly let us inside) Please I beg of you let Zhen go his wife need him so much now Feng is.... Feng is.... Just let him go!" I said.
"Ahh... I see okay... (Both of us were do happy Xhao stood up and towards Zhen but Ming suddenly block the way by his hand we both look at him... What is it now you want... I thought you understand... You bastard!) If... If you could pass me." Ming said.
Suddenly push Xhao and I felt the pain in my butt but Chao stood up and never give up our thoughts has the same phrases we won't give up even we were your laugh stock... I notice Ming got irritated as he push as hard we also receive a big slap in our face and he was furious.
"Your my wife to be don't get cocky!" Ming said.
I don't know why but I don't feel fear or anything, all the sudden people whispering again saying the goddess of without fear and they were reffered to us Xhao look at Ming without anything to say even Ming's guards and his disciplines got scared to Xhao...
"Master Ming... Please don't if you ever hurt the child of death you'll be cursed!" His discipline said.
"...! Shut up! Do not give me that word... She is not the goddess of death! (He look at me suddenly I felt he was also a little bit scared and he even more got irritated) don't you dare give me that look!" Ming said.
I don't know but I knew his going to slap me again but not that scared or anything I just look at him... Here it comes... But...
"*surprised* you! Who dare...!" Ming said.
"Have you forgoten Collector Ming your promise as a collector to our emperor...?" He said.
I just heard foot steps as we look they were...
"Imperial army?! Why?!" They said.
Then they started whispering and chatting we both stood up and went to Zhen... My body is hurt even though it is hurt we need to release Zhen then we heard Doctor Hei's voice running towards me and both of us untie Zhen suddenly...
"*snip... Snap.... Zhang...* (he put him down) I'm sorry I was late..." He said.
"N-no... Thank you..." Doctor Hei said.
We don't know but we didn't even look at him all we want to take Zhen home for his baby but Doctor Hei... Why he was almost out of breath..?
"Lady Xhao... I can't help him anymore..." Doctor Hei said.
"(We both look at him) w-what do you mean?" I asked.
"Because of his injury and also he also lost to much blood... I'm sorry... I.. I could help... Cuh! *teary*" Doctor Hei said.
We both surprised...
"Why an imperial guards were here?! Who are you!" Ming scream.
When I heard his voice suddenly earge to punished him or kill him but we both stop at those eyes and I remember those earring.
"Red... Earring..."
"Do not be rude... Have you not have any respect to our imperial general!" The imperial right hand.
As they heard this people got scared and even Mings guard and disciplines.
"How can that be! General Quo Wong is the general when I left to imperial for my way back to this village!" Ming said.
"You...! General Wei...!"
"Listen I'm Wei Zhao Yung... I've been elect as General for imperial family Gen. Wong was been commit suicide after you left because of a letter to his wife who left him and also his son died here I was here yesterday to take his son back but we were also to late Gen. Wong had already commit suicide." Wei said.
As he explain this people were quite worried then I heard him sighed... He can change his expression too... I know that was him but Xhao didn't matter.
"Do not worry or fear me I'm here to find the criminal who killed Gen. Wong and also *turn* *change* Zei!"
"Yes general Wei!" Zei said.
That's him who sudden make a move to defend Wei.
"Zei ready your messenger (a hawk) chuo!" He called someone again.
"Yes.. Gen. Wei!" Chou said.
Its a girl....
"Write down this to the emperor our collector sons had a made a mess here in his village and also commit a crime as the new general I would like your permission to take his head or death as a punishment... Understand Chou!" Wei said.
"Yes gen. Wei..." Chou said.
"W-wait! General please don't let emperor to know this I'll make an ammends please!" Ming said.
I heard Ming begging then Zhen suddenly hold my hands.
"Zhen...!" I called.
"I-Is Feng... Okay...?" Zhen asked.
"*force to smile* y-yes... She's already giving birth... And a handsome and healthy baby boy just like his father.." I said.
"I see... I wish I can hold him..." Zhen said.
"Of course you can hold him! But at least try to recover quickly." I said.
"( I was shock suddenly he touch my face) d-dont lie... I know I can't... I don't have... Any... More... Please... Xha...o... Take my wife... And my.. Son... ...(slowly he let go)" Zhen said.
We both shock tears fell in my chick and when we heard Doctor Hei and Chei carrying Feng's child suddenly we both different person.
"Lady Xhao..."
"Doctor Hei... Please take care Zhen and Feng's child and also please burry them beside my family." I said.
We both walk towards Chei.
"*force to smile* Chei... Could you promise me to take care Big sister Feng's baby? (She nod) thank you..." I said.
I heard Chei and Hei calling Xhao's name someone block my way and it was him and suddenly I saw those fierceful eyes those killing machine but deep inside something or someone crying for something and I without knowing I touch his face and collapse... I heard their voices but I do not know what happened.

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