Life on tour with two girls

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"Night sweetie I love you" he says as he covers her up on the couch

He put his sling he has for Lizzy and heads out cause she was very clingy to him, and he couldn't understand why the girls were so clingy to him and he was going to figure out why the girls were clingy to him and figure out a way to make it better for them to deal with short breaks that they have between shows cause he is worried that these stretches are starting to take its toll on both of the girls

"Here you go Lizzy" Niall says as he hands her stuffed animal that she loved so much

Lizzy hugged her animal as her and daddy continued to head for the meet and greet as Niall carried her in her sling

(After the meet and greet)

"Lizzy you did so good with the fans I am so proud of you baby girl" he says as he kisses her nose as he gets her out

Lizzy babbles her cute talk for daddy cause she loves his kisses

"How on earth are you still awake Lizzy Horan?" He asks her as he goes and checks on Kenzie before he does a quick sound check with the band for the show that night cause he wanted to take Kenzie back to the park to play since she was disappointed that they had to leave early for the show that night

"Hey, Kenzie, do you want to go back to the park after sound check to play some more?" He asks her as he approaches her

She nods as she hugs daddy tight

"That sounds like a plan and daddy is turning his phone off so we can be together for as long as you want" he says as he puts Lizzy in the stroller to head to the park to play with the girls again cause he wanted to spend much time with them as he could before the show started and he needed to perform on stage

"Can we have a picnic daddy please?" Kenzie asks him

"Of course, we can I can pick up some food and we can spend family time together as much as you would like" he says to her

Kenzie was really happy about that

"You Lizzy are going to be on your blanket cause we are going to have sissy go to the big kid playground to play" he says as he grabs Lizzy's blanket so she could play with her toys as Kenzie plays on the playground

Lizzy smiles at that cause she got to be with daddy as sissy played on the playground with other kids her own age since Kenzie kind of outgrew the baby playground and needed to move up to the next playground to interact with more kids her age group

"Are you going to take a nap for me huh baby doll?" He asks when he sees her eyes start to fall little by little as she started to fall asleep slowly, and Niall started to rock her in his arms cause that soothed her to sleep as Niall was rocking Lizzy a little girl who looked about a year old at the most comes up to him

"Sweetie is your mommy or daddy close?" Niall asked her

She shakes her head no and starts to cry again

"Oh, sweetie, come here and I can hold you" Niall says as he opens his arms for her cause Lizzy fell asleep and he laid her close to him

The little girl climbed into Niall's lap as he held her close

"It's okay little one" Niall says as he soothes her as well cause she was terribly upset

The little girl puts her thumb in her mouth as Niall rocks her side to side gently 

"Sure, is this your baby?" a lady asked Niall

"Sweetie, do you have a baby brother or sister?" he asks the little girl

The little girl nods

"The baby must belong to the little girl I have in my arms" Niall says as he continues to rock the baby that he had in his arms

"I'm going to see if their parents are still here and if you don't see me come back that means that they left both of them here at the park" the lady tells Niall

Niall nods as he strokes the little girl's hair gently to soothe her more

"Well Kenzie it looks like you have a little sister to play with" he says as he looks at the little girl who was dozing off slowly as he rocked her

Once the little girl fell asleep, he set her on the other side while he checked the baby who started to whimper gently

"It's okay, do you need a change little one?" he asks as he gets the baby out to hold it

Niall got the blanket that was under the stroller for the baby

"There we go now to get you changed" he says as he changes the little baby who wasn't that old at all

Niall sees it was a baby girl and she started to get a rash on her little bum, so he took care of it with the cream he uses for Lizzy 

"There we go all better" he says as he holds her in his arms as he watches Kenzie play on the playground

Niall was thinking of a way he was going to explain this to Kenzie later

"There you are Niall we have been trying to get a hold of you," Harry says as he approaches his friend

"Well, we are having a family day with just me and my four daughters" Niall says to him

"Wait did you say four?" Liam asks him

"Yes, these two were left here in the park" Niall says as he gets a bottle out for the baby cause she was getting hungry

"They are cute, how are you going to tell Kenzie about this?" Louis asks him 

"I don't know I will have to break it to her somehow about this, and I hope she accepts it" Niall says to him as he feeds the baby her bottle 

The lady who brought the stroller to Niall didn't return, so Niall has to find these two cute girls' parents tonight at the concert, and if they isn't there, he is going to adopt them the next day at the courthouse, so they have a family. Plus, Kenzie has a playmate to play with for now and feel like the big sister for real.

V & C

The girls go to NASA is up 

Adopted By Niall Horan from 1D wattys 2023Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora