60 Seconds

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The blare of the lights blinds me, but it's a good thing since it drowns the faces of the audience, making me less nervous. I glance at the drummer and signal him to give me a beat. With three taps on the snare, the music sets off. I hold onto the microphone stand and start to belt out a few notes. I close my eyes and let the music carry me off into a familiar daze. A kind of daze that has become my escape.

I go off key quite a few times, but it's oblivious to anyone as the patrons of the bar go wild with our music, occasionally pounding their heads in the air and thrusting their hips provocatively in time with the increasing rhythm. We end with an uproar from the audience. I heave deep breaths as I leave the stage. I take the bottled water offered to me and drink it greedily, easing the burning sensation of my parched throat. I receive a few taps on the shoulder for a job well done. A euphoric feeling settles in me that had me grinning like an idiot.

I settle myself in the bar and order my usual drink--- vodka on rocks. I'm enjoying myself with it when the resident bartender of Dilemma, slides a small piece of paper in front of me. I stare at it quizzically.

Pete shrugs at my gesture. "It's from a fan."

The edge of my lips twitch in an amused manner. "I didn't know I've got one."

"He told me to buy you a drink. It's on his tab."

"Too bad I already have one." I raise my shot glass for emphasis. "Say where is this said fan of mine, huh? Is he still around?"

"Over there." Pete cocks his head to the side, gaze never leaving the counter top that he's wiping.

Out of curiosity, I look at the direction that Pete had indicated. Just in time, I see a guy with ruffled hair and wrapped in a multi- colored scarf which look kind of out of place. He gives me a brief nod. I squint to see better of his facial features in the dim light, but the other chooses the moment to leave. I watch his back disappear into the swinging door and out of the starless night.

I take a quick swig of drink, fishes a couple of dollars, and dump it in the counter top. I turn to leave when I remember something. I pick up the small piece of paper and shove it in one of my front pockets.


My best friend announces that his boyfriend is moving in with him and into our dorm.

"What?!" I'm horrified with the idea.

"Yup. He's moving in." Henry nods while shoving my clothes in a duffel bag. "And you're moving out."

I gape at him. "You're leaving me out in the streets cold? WHERE'S THE FRIENDSHIP, MAN? You're throwing your best friend out for that boyfriend of yours?"

He flicks me in the forehead. "Yah! Stop being overdramatic. You're moving in the next room with us. The one that Sammy vacated last month. " He says, referring to the senior student who just recently graduated. "Now, help me pack up. Daniel will be here three hours from now for our house warming."

"Ugh. I don't wanna be here when that happens." I already have an idea on how the two will warm up the dorm and I believe that it will be to my advantage to move out as soon as possible.


Moments later, I find myself piling all the last of my stuffs in one box, practically putting one on top of the other. I take one final gaze inside my now emptied room, if I left anything that is of essential. After finding nothing, I cradle the box in my arms. I'm trying to balance it when a book fell and hit the floor the floor with a thud. A small piece of paper flies out. I set the box down on the floor. I grunt and bend down to pick up the book, adding it up in the towering pile. I proceed with the paper and I notice something is scribbled on it.

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