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When I went to school the next morning  everyone was staring at me. Was it because of "incident"? But then I relized that the boy that made me almost have a heart attack yesterday, was coming right towards me.I had'nt even caught his name. I was to busy fainting. But he came closer and closer. And I felet my heart beat faster and faster.I turned away quickly. He was one foot away from me when my twin sister, Rain jumped right in front of him. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my twin sister. She may be my twin but we look, sound or act nothing alike. I dont even think were from the same planet! I tell more about her later. The boy looked at her like she was crazy, and walked around her. I blushed felt a little smug. But what happened next was so unexpected, I dropped all my books on the floor. The boy (whos name I didnt even know!) raised my head up and kisssed me right right on the lips. Even crazier, I felt my arms wrap arond his neck pulling him closer to me. I heard almost the whole school (It seemed like) giggle and gasp. I also heard  people say "Woowoo" and things like "yah Sean kissin the new girl!!" But now I was focusing on him and the kiss. It felt so right but i knew for my own sake I had to stop it. It all my strength to push him away. I was EXTREMELY strong, I could even pick up my dad.But my muscles felt weak as I slammed him into the row of lockers on the other side.I rushed to my next class with my cheeks burning like fire with embarassment. The next day he camae up to me, he took my hands in his, and said " Forest?" " Yes?..." I heard myself say quitley. " Will you be my girlfriend!" That was so unexpected it took my breath away. "Yes, I will." I said in a shakey voice. I unlosened my grip on his hands and walked away, with my boyfriend following close behind.

The 7th Grade Dark AngelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ