chapter 1

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Hi my name is Hailey and let me tell you a little about myself I have blond hair and blue eyes and I am 14 and I live in Michigan but I have decided to trade in the unpredictable weather and move in with my friends in California at first my parent wernt sure about it but when they found out that I was moving in with Nick, Rudan, Edwin, Timmy, and Zach they were cool with it because my parents considered them their sons and I thought of them as my brothers so they knew I would be safe.

The next day

Today was the day I was leaving Nick and Zach had stayed at my house because they were the ones picking me up to leave I had my things all packed up and ready to go I said goodbye to my mom and dad and got in the car my mom had stopped Nick and Zach before they got in the car and said "if anything happens to her its your a$$ that will be hanging on my wall just remember that ok" Zach and Nick looked at each other and then looked back at my mom and said "yes mama" after that they both gave her a hug and got in the car I was sitting in the in the back and Zach got in and sat next to me and asked me if I was excited I told him yeah I haven't seen everyone in so long. We were listing to the radio and then worth it came on by fifth harmony and Nick turned it up because that was our jam and we both started singing it after that song had came on stitches came on and I started singing it and I started crying because I haven't told the guys yet but I had started dating someone and we broke up about a week ago and after we broke up I just listened to this song and cried so when I started to sing it I started to cry and Nick looked in one of the mirrors and saw that I was crying he asked me why I was crying and I said "I really didn't want you guys to find out this way but I started dating and me and my bf broke up a week ago"I said as we pulled up to the airport Nick parked the car and we all got out and Nick and Zach both gave me a hug.

Sorry that this first chapter was so long this is my first story pleas don't judge

crushing on my friends in 5quadWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt