I'm Kinda A Big Deal: No, I'm right it goes started as a bottom.

Unfortunately I don't have a Medical Marijuana Card so I can't get in. Paula will sure find out one way or another and I'd rather not witness the Wrath of Paula for myself, so, I'm in the car waiting.

Did Drake really say I can turn your boy into a man?

"Started as a bottom now the whole team fucking here! Aye.."

Music Makes Me High: Is your girlfriend not back? Lol

I'm Kinda A Big Deal: Funny, you know she's not my girlfriend.

Music Makes Me High: Uh huh. We can live that lie if you want. And it's cool, you do think about me when you're making out with her so..

I'm Kinda A Big Deal: Lol, yeah that was great.

Music Makes Me High: Oh so you agree. You do think about me.

I'm Kinda A Big Deal: Yeah, I think about you all the time especially when I'm touching myself.

Music Makes Me High: Nice! As long as I can watch. No but seriously, she doesn't care?

I'm Kinda A Big Deal: No she doesn't. She's one of my best friends I told you that.

Music Makes Me High: Yeah cause it's so normal to hook up with your best friend. Hey my bother's here, I'll talk to you when I get back.

I didn't even bother to reply back. If you wanna say rolling your eyes is a response then okay, I did reply.

Back to what I was saying, Jordan never takes "short" trips to the dispensary. It's her personal Utopia. Oh look! Here she comes now with the biggest smile on her face.


"Wow seven hours later. Thank God you cracked a damn window." I quip as she opens the door. It wasn't really seven hours, it was one at the most, but she got the point.
"Hey, it's not my fault you can't get in." She responds and hands me my chocolate chip cookie and a brownie edible.

I smell it immediately, "Nom.. Nom.. Nom."

"Yikes, Drake gotta chill." Jordan says as she starts the song over.

We're in my room now listening to the new Drake song and like everyone else we're trying to see who he's going at.

"Yeah, you're right Aubrey gotta chill." I repeat her statement while breaking a piece of my brownie.

Madison texted me saying she's bored at her mom's function and wants us to kidnap her. But she's three hours away so she knew we wouldn't. That's what's going on with Madison in case you care.

"Why is he so mad at The Weeknd though?" Jordan asks while she crushes some weed up.

"Fuck if I know." I say shrugging. "I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy."

"That's enough brownie for you." Jordan laughs, taking my brownie from me and setting it aside.

It's okay though. I haven't tried the cookie yet.

My phone goes off and it's Ashley telling me she's bored. I'll reply in a second I can't find my cookie.

A knock on my door almost makes me fall off the bed.

"Oh fuck you." I say to my friend laughing along with her.

"Jay, You got it?" Glen says walking into my room after knocking.

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