Chapter 8

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3 Months Later:

My career had taken off quite well. I'd caught 7 criminals in the span of about 6 weeks, so that bumped me up in the business. I still live in the flat with my friends but I usually spend the nights at Alan's, not that we have sex because "he wants me to be ready" even though he knows damn well that I am ready but insists that we don't rush. He's a gentleman but I swear sometimes it's like he plays hard to get on purpose. 

Speaking of Alan, he and I are also doing very well. He's been filming a shit ton of movies, which I've gotten sneak peeks of. I've met his sister Sheila and his brothers Michael and David. That was an interesting situation but ended up ending on a good note.

It was a simple day, Alan and I had gone out to breakfast and his brother called and asked him to come over. He brought me, I was introduced and that was pretty much the end of it.

Now, right this moment, I was sitting on the couch curled up next to Alan. We where watching a movie, one if my favorites; Snow Cake. It had reached the sex scene and Alan had felt me physically tense. His hand wrapped tighter around me.

"You alright there, love?" I nodded as his lips brushed against the side of my head as he planted a kiss against my temple. After the movie ended, Alan stood up. "You know what I just realized?" I shook my head as I stood, following him. "Your birthday is in a few days." I cringed.

"It's just another day of the year. It's not something that needs a giant celebration." He chuckled as he pulled me against him.

"Oh cmon." I shook my head.

"No, I'm serious." He sighed.

"Fine." He smirked. "But I'm making special plans." His hands had roamed to my hips. I let my head fall into his chest.


AN: IM SORRY FOR THE WAIT AND THE WEIRD TIME SKIP BUT I NEEDED TO GET SOMETHINGS MOVING. I promise the next chapter will be much much better xxoo

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