Air Race

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I got an idea and I wanted to write about it before I lost it so if it sucks, oh well I'm getting over my writer's block. So here it is.

*Hiro's POV*

I was rudely awakened from my dream of me and Gogo in the future when I heard a loud shout from downstairs.


'Urgh, aunt Cass did you really have to yell, I was having a great dream, wait did she just say I was to young to date'

I got dressed as quickly as I could and rushed down the steps almost tripping a few times.

"Aunt Cass, what do you mean I'm to young to date, shit, I'm going to college and people date when they're in middle school, what do you mean that I'm to young to be dating a seventeen year old, she only two years older than me and haven't you ever heard the phrase 'age, ain't nothin' but a number', I'm sure when you were in middle school you had started dating, but I waited until college, sure I'm only 15, but I have enough smarts to be in college, so do you really think I'm to young to date."

"Holy shit, little man can talk a storm when something he is against comes up, but he does have a good point Cass," Wasabi said backing me.

"Yeah, he does and even if you did say that they couldn't be together, they would just date in secret; like Romeo and Juliet did minus the whole killing thing," Honey also backed me up.

"If you say they can't date, it'll be awkward lunches for the rest of the year, I for one am not looking forward to that."

'Thank you guys, you just helped me more than you know, I'm proud to call you my family.'

Then for the slightest second I saw Tadashi, or at least a ghost of him, giving me a double thumbs up, I also heard him say "nice job little bro, there's no way aunt Cass can say that you can't anymore" (those were double quotes, which means taking)

"Okay fine you can date, but Gogo told me that there was a long story, that all of you guys needed to be here to tell the story." "When did she tell you that?" "After she came in to see if there was anything she could help me with, when the news showed a picture of Baymax in red and blue armor with three guns."

'Damnit Gogo, did you have to tell her that we all needed to be here to tell the story.' I walked over and put my arm around, since I'm about 5' 6" and Gogo is 5' 4."

"Okay, so now that you all are here, can you tell me the story," "first we need coffee and donuts or in Hiro's case a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew."

'Damn baby, you already know that Mountain Dew is my favorite drink and I would take it over coffee any day, I love you even more.'

I kissed her cheek, "baby, I love you more and more," I whispered in her ear, causing her to blush. "I'm on it," rushed Wasabi out the door to get some Mountain Dew for me, "I'm coming too, I can't handle any more of this 'lovey dovey' stuff," rushed Fred out the door behind Wasabi.

*6 hours later*

"... And then the portal exploded just after Hiro had came out of the portal rescuing Abigail when the original Baymax launched them with one his hands, that Hiro had put a recharging magnetic rocket in, which Hiro had rebuilt Baymax from the original Baymax's arm" Gogo finished, leaving out Abagail's last name, knowing it hurt me when it was said, even if was just Abigail.

"So let me get this straight, you guys are all heroes who saved the city from an insane person, who just happens to be your old principle, who Tadashi ran into the burning building a little over a year ago to rescue and he stole the neuro-bots Hiro made, to kill Krei, and destroy the city with and this Baymax is the second Baymax that was made. Does the original Baymax know about this Baymax?"

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