Arrival ~ Chapter 2

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-Mikey's POV- 

I was relieved when the bell for lunch finally sounded. I trudged to my locker dragging my bag behind me. 

 When I got to the locker, Frank was already there. 

"Uh, hey Frank" I mumbled.  

"What's up?" He said, a hint of worry in his tone.  

"Ah nothing, I just had a maths lesson full of absolute bull. Some kids were calling me four eyes and shit. I mean, we're not five anymore, why can't people just grow up?" 

I yanked everything out of my bag, rammed it into my locker and shoved my bag in too. Then I pulled out one of my comics, clutching it as me and Frank made our way to the cafeteria to meet Gerard and Ray. 

The cafeteria as usual was pretty crowded. I suddenly saw a tall figure at the back of the room start waving frantically. It was Gee. Me and Frank barged our way through the crowd and joined them at the table. 

The conversation circulating our group this afternoon was our new neighbours. The deal with getting new neighbours is quite exciting for us. Old Mr. Jenkins the previous owner of that apartment used to moan at us for playing music too loud. I mean, we're in a band! 

"I really hope the new neighbours are a similar age to us, and like loud music" Ray said. The rest of us nodded in agreement. "I mean, it would be double bonus if they had things in common with us too, like same music taste." 

"Definitely" said Gerard, reaching across the table to grab the cup of coffee he'd bought earlier. "I hope they're cool". 

The school bell rang and we all made our way slowly to class. I grabbed some stuff out of my locker and made my way to my next room. 

-Skye's POV- 

I'd stopped the truck a couple of times when we were hungry or whatever. Me and Stephanie swapped seats a couple of times too so we could both catch up on our sleep while the other drove. I was driving again now. It had been a good few hours since lunchtime, I was glad, it meant we were going to be at our new home soon. 

I was so excited! Me and Stephanie had visited our new apartment a couple of times before we actually decided to buy it. Every time we visited though, there was no one around. No neighbours or anything, just the housing salesperson. We'd been told that the key to our new apartment was going to be left with the people in the apartment next door. At least we now knew there were people there. Our apartment was the first in the block. 

I hope they're cool. I mean we don't want some grumpy guy living there, moaning when we play loud music or if we come clattering through the doors late at night. 

I looked at my watch; it was about 4:23 in the afternoon. Just a few more hours until we were at our new home.

-Gerard's POV-

Ray had driven us all into town afterschool, so we could have a Starbucks. We sat at a table discussing stuff for the band for about an hour, before actually deciding to head back to the apartment.

When we got back to the apartment we started up practice. Bob, our drummer, had come to join us. He only lives 10 minutes away from the rest of us, on foot.

Bob stayed until about 7 in the evening before deciding he was going to head home and order himself a pizza.

"The new neighbours will be here soon!" Frank piped up at about 7:30.  

"Chill out Frankie, why are you so goddamn excited?" quizzed Mikey, looking slightly agitated at the bouncing, excitable Frank before him.  

"Aw, I love meeting new people!" he chirped, before leaping off of the sofa, and vanishing into the kitchen.

-Stephanie's POV-

I had driven the last leg of the journey, just so Skye could get some rest. She'd insisted on driving most of the way. She'd driven miles.

I pulled up in to the parking lot of our new home. Glancing over at Skye, I realised she was fast asleep.

I thought it pointless getting any of our stuff out of the truck before actually having the key, so I decided to wake Skye up first.

I shook her gently. "Skye... Skye! We're home, we're actually home!"

I watched her eyes as they shot open suddenly, wide and slightly worried-looking. They snapped shut at the light. She gradually started blinking slowly as she began to wake up properly.

Skye sat up, unclipping her seatbelt. "Wha--?" she trailed off, "we're here? At home? The apartment?" she spun around on the spot quickly. She was looking at our surroundings through the dusty truck windows.

"Yeah we're here" I chucked watching her, "I thought it best if we got the key from the neighbours before unloading any of our stuff." Skye nodded before opening the door and stepping onto the parking lot tarmac. I too got out.

I took lead as we headed for the door to the stairwell. Skye giggled excitedly behind me. I glanced over my shoulder at her, smirking.

We got to the floor of our apartment. We strolled straight past it and slowly walked upto the one next door. I knocked on the door.

I listened as I heard alot footsteps coming towards the door, and watched the handle as it started to move. There must be quite a few people living here, I could hear them talking. I composed myself and brushed some hair out of my face. I quickly glanced over at Skye, she was grinning.

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