I couldn’t believe he just said that. I stared at Georghe and stepped closer. He didn’t take his eyes off of me, but he did lean back.

“I didn’t ask to be your damn xachtess. I’m here because it’s my job. I don’t see you doing shit to help Heirion. All you do is sit your ass in that chair and make up laws that don’t benefit anyone but yourselves. As for me putting myself in danger, how was I supposed to know that Jeff was guilty? He’d been dating my mom for a year. Now, I’m going to Ro’Ton to find out if I’m a Tylan, and anyone that wants to stop me will spend the rest of their lives as a damn vegetable!” I growled.

Everyone was looking at me with shocked expressions. I was pumped with adrenaline and I was ready to fight. My pulse was racing and if I gritted my teeth any harder, they would break into a million pieces.

That’s when I noticed that my eyes were glazed. I could see everything extremely well. My eyes had changed colors. That must be why they were looking at me like that. I stepped back and closed my eyes until I felt them go back to normal. I looked back up and saw the shocked look of the courtees, but the smile on my dad’s face.

“Taylor, you’ll go with Melonie and I expect that you’ll be accompanying them too Meco,” my dad said interrupting the silence. “If you feel you’ll need any more protection take Mauve with you.” Then he looked at me with the hardest expression I’ve ever seen him wear.

“Be careful Melonie. I can’t lose you again.” I nodded and walked towards the door, with Jason and Meco on my tail.

When we were safely in my suite, I let out the breath I didn’t even realize I was holding. I plopped down on my couch and sighed.

“That was the craziest shit ever. I thought you were going to rip his head off!” Meco said sitting on the couch and crossing his legs.

“I thought I was too,” I agreed.

“He’s going to be on your ass for as long as he’s a courtee, or until he’s dead,” Meco laughed.

“I can’t believe that he said that about me. I know I don’t like to listen, but to say that I’m the reason my mom and I got kidnapped was low. Jeff never thought about hurting me or my mom. And the crap about me being a girl was straight bull. Please step into the 21st century!” I was yelling again. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm me. When I opened my eyes, I was staring into Ricke’s eyes. He was kneeling in front of me with both of his hands on the couch, blocking an exit. Surprisingly, I wasn’t startled.

“I heard your little conversation from the other side of the palace,” he whispered. He was so close that his breath was caressing my face. I smiled and leaned forward and inhaled. He wasn’t expecting that, and he leaned back a little, but not much.

“Maybe you should’ve come and stopped me,” I whispered back as I stood up. He was still kneeling, so when I stood up, his face was by my stomach. I stepped to the side knocking his arm out the way and walked around him. I glanced at Jason, who was pretending to look at something else.

“So, now that I have permission to go, what do we do next?” I asked no one in particular. They all looked at me, but Meco was the only one to speak up.

“I don’t know why you’re asking us Miss Demanding. We’re rolling with what you say,” Meco grinned.

“Ok, I guess we can go tomorrow then. Jason, set up transportation and Meco, you inform Rice that we’re coming and Ricke, I need to talk to you…alone.”

Meco and Jason looked at me with suspicion in their eyes. I just smiled and pointed for them to head to the door. Jason stormed out and Meco looked at me and mouthed “I want details” before he walked out the door and closed it behind him. I turned to look at Ricke, and smiled.

Escaping Truth: Truth Series, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now