secrets of the area 51

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i have recently been watching a long series of shows that contain secret evidence that the government may have been hiding. enjoy what i have to say about them and all their secrets

there have been a lot of stories on area 51 but what i am about to reveal to u u may not have known about it. first every one knows that area 51 is mainly known for their secrets in aliens. but did u know that area 51 scientist and engineers may be creating our own space ships!!!! to me that is crazy awesome the only problem is that when they have captured a ship they found traces of element 115 on the ship and r trying to use that material in the ships the ships that they r creating. answer me a question why do u think that they r hiding these things from the public and possibly the government. in my opinion they have found actual life forms on the ships that have landed here and r going to figure out where they came from first. 

 area 51 was formally known as a military base that contained jet fighters that have won wars for america, and for it advancement in space technology, a lot of evidence has pointed me to believe that the landing of the moon was a fake!. yes if i am correct the landing on the moon was a complete fake. only for the fact that the video of the astronauts landing on the moon had a certain lighting  and all the lights surrounded them were just around them nowhere else. people think that the video was taken in the mountains by area 51., because the astronauts were training there for a long period of time . so they could have used it as a cover up for the actual moon. last thing i have theories about area 51 i think that deep underground they r creating a way of teleportation to alter the past and send back solders and change time. 

talking with dylanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن