a little crush

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third person p.o.v

every onne got up. the girls went down to the water and the boys well they went to there hideout. the girls were drawing in the sand when yuzuki randomly says i might like sab. the other two girls look at her like she is crazy. she starts to figet. her cheak is tinted red. she wonders what will they say. she wonders if they will laugh at her or tell her to get lost and that they dont want any girls falling in love near them. her hands become shaky, and she searches for any sing of them telling her to get lost. she sudently found her shoes vary interesting.

well i acually like ace. aika mummbles.

and i like luffy! ren yells. yuzuki smiles realising she isent the only one with a little crush. they all start to laugh, and talk intll the sun started to set. they all starred out into the water watching ll the colors reflect of it and back towards the sky. ren yawns aand soon the other two girls yawn. they smile and soon fall into a dreamless sleep.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------authers note

im sorry its short but i did not no what to write in this chapter at all. but please comment vote and tell me want you thinks. thanxs XS

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