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That's a pic of Gabriel and I :)) ^

1st Day Of VidCon
I'm so excited! Today is the first day of VidCon and I hope I see Gabriel soon.
Right now I'm just wondering around with my best friend Sara and we decided to go into the Hilton Hotel to see if we can find anyone. As we were in the Hilton my friend Sara says "ooo that guy is cute" "What guy?" I said, then Sara turned me around and I saw who she was talking about and IT WAS GABRIEL. I try my hardest to not freak out. Gabe and Alan were just standing there talking so I decide to go up to him. (a/n: this is literally how i met him at VidCon HAHAH)
"hi Gabriel!" I say as I walk up to him.
"oh my gosh, hey! You're Janine right?" He says
"Yeah!" I said
"Well Alan and I were just about to go out and walk around so do you and your friend wanna come hang out with us" he asked me
"Yeah sure!" Sara and I both say
So we walk out of the hotel and just walk around VidCon. A couple people come up to us and ask for a picture with Gabe and Alan and one girl came up to me and asked if I was Gabriel's girlfriend.. I was flattered, but I said "No haha, I wish" and idk if my mind is just fucking with me but out of the corner of my eye I saw Gabriel smirk at me. But I just forgot about it and we just hung out for the rest of the day and Alan's girlfriend, Diego, and Triston also joined us.

On the 2nd day of VidCon Gabriel and I didn't really hang out much bc he was busy but that was fine.

On the 3rd day which was the last day of VidCon, I was kinda sad bc VidCon was super fun and I don't want to end, also bc Gabriel would be going back to Texas:((
"Ayee Janine what's up with the frown?" Gabe said while walking up to me
"Nothing really, I'm just sad that today is the last day of VidCon.. Also bc I won't see u anymore" I said
"Aww don't be sad! Let's just make this the best day ever! And you'll see me tomorrow if you're going to Disney Day! He said
"Oh yeah! I forgot about Disney Day and yeah I'm going" I said laughing
"okay well we're gonna have so much fun tomorrow!" He told me
Right now we're heading to the YouNow stage bc a bunch of YouNowers are have a meet and greet.
While we're in there Sara and I go meet other YouNowers we like. Oh and uh I low key have a crush on Nick Bean, too bad it's not legal for me to date him lol. so for the rest of the day we just hung out and at night all the YouNowers at VidCon hung out and Sara and I were invited and it was amazing.

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