Chapter Two

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Rach Was having a nightmare as she saying "no, please don't hurt me"Eddie was holding her tight but not too tight to hurt her, he was also stroking her hair softly, France's was back in the office with them, she was sat at her desk watching Rach, Frances started to mark some paperwork but she kept looking up and over at the sofa where Eddie and Rach was. Eddie kept rubbing her back trying to calm her down from the nightmare that she was having.

Rachel Had suddenly woke up feeling sick, She looked up and Eddie "I feel sick" Eddie nodded and took the rubbish bag out of the bin and heldon the bin in case Rachel was going to be sick, She look at the bin and then started to throw up in to the bin, Frances quickly came over to them and knelt down but her so that she could hold back Rachel's Hair, Eddie still had his arm around her still rubbing her back.Frances didn't have a spare hair band on her so she took her hair out and and used the hair band that she had been using to keep her hair up and tied Rachel's hair back, Rach didn't like it as it showed all off her cuts and bruises that was on her face.

Rachel Kept being sick, she had been sick for a couple of weeks now but she was scared to tell anyone about it as she thought that everyone would hate her if she found out that she she was Pregnant. She wanted to do a test just to be on the safe side but she felt her body change a little a couple of weeks ago, She was too scared to go out and buy a test.

Rach sat up a bit more and looked at her mum then at Eddie and then back at her mum "I think I'm pregnant"

Frances nodded "it's okay honey, I'm here, I'm here sweetheart"

Soon Rachel managed to stop being sick, Frances passed her over some tissue to wipe her mouth, Rach wiped her mouth and put the tissue into the bin and soon feel back to sleep on Eddies lap.

With Stuart just waking up he rolled over and felt the sheets for her but she wasn't there, he sat up and stretched and then got up going to look for her, he didn't like it if she had left without telling him where she was going , once he had gotten out of bed he went straight over to Rachel's wardrobe and looked inside seeing that all her stuff had gone "The bitch" he said to himself.

Stuart got himself ready for school and started drinking while he was getting ready, he wanted to have a few words with her about why she had left him for Eddie, Stuart was going to come in school late so he could spend the morning drinking, he was drinking  loads of bottles of Vodka.  At around about 11:20am he texted Ralph to see if he wanted to join him on a drink.

It was now 11:30am, Rach was still asleep, it wasn't like her to sleep in for hours, now that Stuart  and Raplh was pissed out of their heads they  made heir way to the school, as they was making their way to the building they was both till drinking, once they got to the school they went in through the back way and made their way  to the office.

Frances had put a blanket over Rach and Eddie, as Eddie had fallen asleep while holding her, he was resting his head on Rachel's. Frances smiled at them both and kissed both of their heads softly, Frances thought of Eddie as her son, as he was always looking out for Rachel and Frances.

It was now 11:45am Ralph had barged his way into to the building and up to the office, Stuart was waiting outside the office as he wanted to have a word with Rach after Ralph had finished with her. Rach,Eddie both work up to the sound of the office door slamming open, France's looked up from the pile of paper work,

"I'm sorry can I help you?"
Ralph never answered the question and look over at Eddie and then Rachel

"It's against the rules to have a relationship on the school grounds, I can get you exspelled"

"Why don't you leave us alone yeah?" Eddie replied

"How about no"

"I meant it Raplh, leave Rachel alone"

"Aww, look at you sticking up for the bitch that chose to sell her body over her lovely best friend"

Eddie was losing his temper and wanted to punch him "I suggest that you do me, France's and Rachel a favour and shut up before one of us gets hurts"

"Awww, what you gonna do? Punch me? You couldn't even hurt a fly"

Eddie stood up and went over to him and punched him hard in the face, causing Ralph to get a nose bleed and a black eye, just as Eddie punched him Stuart came in clapping his hands at Eddie. Eddie looked at him

"Stay away from Rachel, you've done enough damage to her"

"Oh Ed, I'm just getting started"
"Yeah?, well I'm gonna stop whatever you got planned to hurt Rachel"

"Awww your really protected over her, that's so cute...Not"

"I suggest you leave her alone now before you end up with a black eye yourself"

"I've came to have a word with Rachel"

"And Rachel doesn't wanna speak to you"

Rach looked at France's who was holding Eddie back, Rach looked a little scared as She knew what he was capable off, she then looked at Stuart.

She looked down for a second taking a breath before starting to speak

"You make me feel like I'm not good enough, since I met you all you done is hurt people that don't deserve to be hurt, I got with you to try to make you stop but you got worse, you started using innocent girls for sex, me included. You say you love me when all your after is sex, and you say that every girl you met, I left you for Eddie because he won't ever use me as a hums punching bag"

Rach looked down with tears in her eyes, she wanted Stuart and Ralph to go away. "I want you to leave me alone"

"Yeah you heard her, leave her alone"

"Oh look at you, bet she got you into her knickers"

Eddie lost it again and punched him much more harder in his face. After Eddie had punched him France's put her word in

"You're both Exspelled so you might as well get your stuff because this school is an Anti-bullying school and I do not tolerate bullying of any kind"

Stuart looked over at Rachel,
"This isn't over Myers"

France's butted in again "oh I think it is, now get off the school grounds before I call for security"

"Alright alright, we're going we don't even wanna be at proxy school"

They both said as they left the office, they went to their lockers and got their stuff, Stuart decided to get a can of paint from the art room, Eddie went over to Rachel and pulled her into a hug and kissed her head

"it's okay Rach , your safe, it's all over now"

Rach just cried into him, they both knew trust it was far from over but Eddie meant what he said about that she was safe with him. Frances hugged them both.

"Why don't you take Rach home and take the rest of the week off? That goes for both of you"

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