Our Mixed Emotions

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               Ethan said let they go we will get them another day. Ethan looked at us and said are you all,all right we said yes we are. He stared at me and said "Narisca what happen to you back there with that werewolf".  I dodged they question and did like i did not hear .We walked back to our home through the forest the trees seemed to sway in the gentle wind as they blue sky peeked through the thick canopy.I caught Ethan staring at me and he said "you looked like i had just seen a ghost", i said ".

                I'm all right" .I was not being  frank i was thinking about serge and how he had a change to kill me and he did not; he was different from the other but different in a good ways.Hear my self talking about  a vampire i thought  ugh i hate em.We continued walking through the Woods until we saw the road i said  good by to everyone as we made our way to our houses i walked down the road to my house in Barry Wales. 

Serge's POV

                     As me and my pack were running away i turned back and watched Narisca. I had gotten caught by her gaze of her beautiful hazel eyes which sparkled.She was really pretty.I just can not tell why I could not harm her while we were fighting. It was like my heart just stopped and she was so precious that i could not bare to hurt he i thought . What was i thinking i could not have pity on vamp but she was just different i could feel when i heard her heart beat.I could see the fear in her eyes she did not want to harm anyone  but she had no choice that is the way i felt. We got back to our secret hideout and had go back to our human form.

    The alpha male Risharde Joseph pummeled me to the wall to the world and said "Serge Treasure you  are  dumb why didn't you attack that vampire Chick you afraid to hit a girl".No i am not so just leave me alone and get off me.I left the our secret hideout  and started running to my house i was still thinking  about Narisca could i really Fancy thought?


                 I walked down the lonely streets to my house and entered the door.I went  upstairs and took a showers i dressed and got ready for bed.I got into and i still thought about Serge. When i closed my eyes i dreamed that i was back on my island. I was in my plantation planting i i had had along day.It was night and i was going back to my wooden hut.While i walked on the road i had i had a feeling someone was following me.The out of the bushes someone jumped out and leaped on me and bite me on my neck.

              I got up and i screamed and began to cry.Some night i regret i was turned into a vampire but could do nothing to change it.I went back to sleep and got up the next morning.Hoping to see Serge at school.

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