15: Tell Me How To Keep This So It Never Ends

Start from the beginning

"True...so I'll take a rain check on that then," Frank chuckled, leaning into Gerard's hold heavily until they made it up the last few steps.


An hour and a half later, Frank and Gerard were situated outside of the train station, Gerard standing up so he could get a better view of the passengers exiting through the narrow doors while Frank sat beside him on a metal bench, claiming he was just a little bit tired, but Gerard didn't miss the pained expression in his eyes that meant another headache was on the way.

"Ugh...where is he, I need to get you home," Gerard groaned, trying to pick out a lanky, glasses sporting boy among the masses.

"I'm fine Gee, honest, and I'm sure he will be here any minute," Frank reassured him for the third time tonight, grasping Gerard's hand in his and dragging himself to his feet wearily, using Gerard as support.

"I know, you just don't look too good, and don't even try and lie to me and say you are fine, because you are in pain, I can tell," Gerard mumbled softly, wrapping his arms around Frank lovingly as he spoke.

"I would still be hurting if I was at home Gee, and I took some meds before we left, so they will kick in soon, and -"

"Gee!" Frank was cut off by none other than Mikey, who threw himself into Gerard's arms with an excited cry, encircling Frank into his embrace as well, and Frank couldn't hold back a snort when he caught sight of Gerard's stunned face.

"Holy shit Mikes - you scared the crap out of me," Gerard chuckled, his expression quickly transforming into a grin when he realized that he was being hugged by his brother, and not some random stranger.

"That was sort of the point," Mikey teased, pulling away from their group hug after a moment. "Hey Frank, long time no see," Mikey greeted his friend, and even though his voice shook slightly, he didn't show any other signs that he knew of Frank's condition, much to Gerard's relief.

"I know, way too fucking long man, you really need to come down here more often."

"Yeah I do, I'm sorry for not visiting sooner, but Pete took me on vacation with his family to Florida, and I only just got back," Mikey grinned, and now that Gerard was observing Mikey more closely, he did look unusually tan, and a wide grin split his face in two as soon as he mentioned Pete.

"Pete...you are still seeing that boy?" Gerard asked, crossing his arms in a mostly joking manner as his protective older brother side reared its head, because he had never liked Pete much, he seemed like a bit of a fuck-boy who wore way too much eyeliner, but Mikey was smitten with him, so he couldn't be that bad.

"Yes Gee, I am, and he's really nice if you would give him a chance," Mikey sighed, obviously picking up on the distaste in Gerard's tone.

"As long as he keeps my little brother happy, he's cool with me," Gerard agreed, because he had only met Pete twice, so it wasn't like he really knew him, and he didn't want to spend Mikey's whole visit nitpicking his weird emo lump of a boyfriend.

"Good - now, I'm fucking starving, can we go get something to eat?" Mikey asked, hefting his full backup up over his shoulder as he spoke.

"Yeah sure, what did you have in mind," Gerard smiled, his mood instantly elevated now that he was reunited with his brother once again.

"Pancakes!" Frank chimed in before the younger Way brother had a chance to speak up.

"Pancakes sound amazing," Mikey agreed.


"For being named The Waffle House, this place has amazing pancakes, they should change their name to The Pancake House," Mikey mumbled around a mouthful of food, causing Gerard to almost choke on his own helping of hash browns

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