Tears Fall From The Sky

Start from the beginning

When Leon could no longer hear anyone near them he pulled Pythia into an empty class room that was thankfully still open. The second he pulled her he placed a hand over her mouth and muted her shocked yell. He leaned against the door and listened again for people, when he heard nothing he released Pythia.

"What are you doing?!" she exclaimed backing away from him and into a desk. Leon grabbed Pythia's arm to stop her from toppling over, but released her quickly once she was steady.

"I can't talk to you with common folk around, and I get the feeling that you also think the same." Pythia nods hesitantly. "Good, that means we are on the same page about some things, lets be the same with all our other matters." Leon was hinting heavily about the prophecy and Pythia sat on the desk with a sigh. There was going to be no easy way out of this.

"You can just say prophecy, you dragged me in here so no one could hear, so quit being so secretive and get on with it,"so I can go home she doesn't say.

"I want details. You didn't tell me everything did you? You're obviously leaving pieces out, and I intend to find them out by any means," he insinuates.

"I don't know what else to tell you, honestly, everything is subject to change."

"Then I'll tell you what I want," Leon says sharply and Pythia just nods hesitantly. "What was my first kill?" This was a affective way to tell weather or not the Oracle was bogus or not.

"A boy, I don't know his age, just that his hair was black like a ravens wing and eyes were the color of spring moss. You killed him with your bare hands, and watched the light from his eyes dim." Pythia had her eyes closed so she could bring the picture to the front of her mind and frowned at the grim scene, but then opened them when she remembered the last bit. "Oh! Also his last words to you were 'Zephyros killed Hyacinthus to keep him from Apollo, I wanted to be your Zephyros' or something like that. Apollo doesn't add audio to his stories, and when he actually showed the scene to me I still had to lip read," Pythia adds.

"Do you know his name?" Leon commands his voice to be calm while his mind races.

"No," she replays with a shake of her head. "I've always called him Zephyros."

"His name was Alexander, he trained with me when I was young. I killed him when he tried to kill me," Leon kept to the basics, so as not to reveal how close Pythia had gotten to stepping on one of his mental landmines.

"Are you sure that he was trying to kill you? I mean I remember Apollo telling me that you were trained to fight with all kinds of weapons and it wasn't simple sparing, it was extreme and it bordered on death match, couldn't it have been an accident?" Pythia asked. She knew that was a pointless question to ask. She's been hearing and watching this scene for years. There was never a doubt, it was murder.

"Alexander attacked with the intent of killing, I attacked with the same intent. The difference is I won, he lost." Leon was like a blank slate, Pythia was unable to read him.

"But, it was unfair. You have the strength of Hercules on your side, you would heal if you got hurt, but if you attack a normal person you could kill them easily. Of course you would win if you attacked with killing intent." Pythia was baffled. If Alexander was Leon's sparing parnter, then shouldn't he have known better?

"He still could have won. If he was faster," Leon grumbled and turned cold eyes to her and then took off his shirt. Leon pointed to a faded scar that ran from his collar bone to just below his heart, and although is was faded, the scar was relatively large and jagged, it looked painful. Pythia flinched and looked away from it to another on Leon's bicep that was just a small line, but it has Pythia's heart pausing for a second, her iris' blown so wide that her eyes looked mostly black, then her head flares up like when Leon first touched her, it causes for her to groan in pain as the corners of her mind to darken. Then it's just like a picture film that is reflected in the Black.

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