Bed Stuy was practically unchanged, although the trees were bare, in comparison to when she'd left. Halsey Street looked the same as she'd remembered. The same kids sitting outside Mrs. Gallagher's front stoop, although upon observation she realized that the cherry Popsicle sticks had been exchanged for cigarettes and tightly rolled joints.

The neighbors had repainted the Brownstone the same hideous lemon yellow. It looked like the neighborhood had been put in a freeze frame the moment she'd left. Nina wasn't that naive to conclude that though.

Nick parked the car in the only empty spot they could find, and she rushed to get out; needing the open air and a hot bath once she got inside. Nina let her brother carry her luggage as she looked around, trying to piece together little details for her own memory's sake. The house looked the exact same. It seemed no one had bothered to replace the cracked top stoop.

As soon as she opened the door, Nina was hit with the scent of cigarette smoke and pirozhki. It was warm inside the house, and for that she was grateful, though she could feel a draft coming in from the crack under the door. The furniture hadn't been replaced, and her grandmother was asleep on a recliner in the living room when she walked farther inside.

Vremya was playing on mute on the old television set, and Nina realized they must still have the bootlegged cable dish attached to the side of the house. Her grandma snored as Irada Zeinalova dragged out the news. Nick quickly ascended the stairs with her suitcase in hand, and the old woman didn't flinch at the creaky sound of his footsteps on the staircase.

Nina quickly followed, noticing how empty the walls looked on the way up; emptier than usual. There were pale rectangles in the places where old photographs had been. She swallowed hard.

The upstairs of the house was eerily quiet, and the same floorboards that always creaked, did. Without anymore stalling, Nina walked into her old bedroom. She felt a chill run up her spine, even though the radiator was doing its best to warm the room. One of the beds had been moved out, probably after she left, and the picture frames had been removed there as well.

Nick set her suitcase down on the settee by the bed without a word, like it was physically hard to stay in the room for too long. Nina could see the chip in the oak wood floors the chair had made that night. She closed her eyes tight. She desperately wanted to run, but that hadn't worked before, it wouldn't work now. It was time to face her demons.

A proper shower was in order first. Some hot water on her aching muscles would surely relieve some of the tension before the jet lag truly kicked in. Nina sat on the edge of the neatly made bed, letting out a breath like a deflated balloon. Maybe she would eat some food and call it an early night, because she knew the real questions would begin in the morning.

Biting her lip, Nina made her way over to the suitcase, her warm pyjamas in mind for after her shower. The fleece would keep her warm. As she undid the zipper, the lavender and vanilla scent of the room was replaced.

Nina had to cover her mouth and nose, because otherwise she would gag. She didn't know where the stench came from, but it was a mix of sweat, alcohol, and a faint trace of weed too. It was odd to Nina, who had neatly folded her freshly washed clothes into her suitcase.

However, when she flipped open the top of her suitcase, the sight that stared back at her was anything but neatly folded sweaters and stockings. The clothes were bunched up, and it seemed as though someone had hastily shoved them inside. This had to be a joke, a clear mix up with the airport. Nina lifted one flannel from the corner of the suitcase for further inspection, and thankfully for her, it happened to be the only article clothing in the heap that seemed to be somewhat clean.

Despite the overall scent of weed and alcohol and perspiration, the flannel smelled slightly of cologne and mint. There was of course a trace of beer, but it wasn't off putting. Nina of course realized that this bag was not her own, but she had no idea whose it was.

Nick knocked on her door abruptly, not bothering with a response before he barged in, and Nina didn't necessarily know why, but she threw the flannel across the room before he had one foot in the door; hastily zipping up the red suitcase before he could think those items were of her belonging.

She stood, wiping her hands down on her black jeans. Nick eyed her warily.

"I heated up some food if you want." He said quickly. Things were still too weird between them.

Nina smile, nodding as he slowly backed out. "Alright thank you."

She stood alone as Nick walked out, and with a bit of a struggle, she brought the suitcase to a stand. The tags on the handle just then caught her eye. Not wanting to prolong her curiosity, Nina grabbed the tags, in search of a name. For some reason, the one she found made perfect sense. The person who this luggage rightfully belonged to seemed like more of a mess than she was, although her folded clothes didn't fool anyone.

Nina wondered if perhaps this Luke Hemmings currently had her suitcase in his possession. The entire situation seemed too confusing and inconvenient for her, and all she knew was that she'd better fix it quick.





A/N: alright so the story is almost ready to be set into motion. the action is not too far away now!!!

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