Six | Superheroes

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As she stepped back, Micah thanked her. He and Gabriel spoke with her father for a couple of minutes before they left. Gabriel didn't look back or smile, he just stormed out with a face like a slapped arse (for whatever reason, Kitty couldn't figure out). Micah gave her a wave and left with his alpha. Alpha FitzPatrick and Cillian left soon after, not saying a word about Kitty hugging the beta of another pack.

"Is Beta Micah your mate?" Her father asked, one eyebrow raised, when it was just the three of them.

"N-no?" Kitty stuttered, wondering why her father would have thought that. Oh. You did hug him. "He's just been very nice."

"Cillian was nice, and you didn't hug him."

"I didn't like him." She wasn't going to lie to her father. If she had her way, he wouldn't be coming to her party. Not only did he show disrespect to herself and Nathan, but every so often, she was sure she saw a lustful gaze. Kitty knew her father had probably explained to Alpha FitzPatrick that he was searching for a suitable mate for Kitty. Whether he was still going to let her try and find her own mate... she wasn't sure. Her father rarely said something he didn't mean, even while having a fit of anger.

"Well it's a good thing you aren't making the decisions around here? We'd all be in trouble; you rely too much on your emotions." His eyes darkened. "You are lucky that you didn't offend Lochlan by hugging that beta. If he's not your mate, you shouldn't be showing affection to another male."

"He's my friend." Her voice was small. She had shocked herself by uttering those words, ones that she hadn't heard for a long time. Not since that dark night two years ago... she forced herself to lock it in her mind. It was a dark time, and she didn't want to go through all that pain again. She'd lost so much. "I hug Jordan sometimes. There's no harm behind it."

"Micah is the beta of another pack. I will not have you being seen cuddling up to the enemy. I will not have a whore for a daughter." He snarled, getting into her face, before storming away. Kitty was left, shocked, at how she had been treated. She wasn't sure what was worse: the fact that her father considered Gabriel's pack an enemy or the fact that her own father had called her a whore. She'd only ever had one date! She'd only had one kiss! And she was still a virgin! She didn't understand why her father was so angry - she hadn't done anything that could be considered 'impure'.

Her brother just looked at her, as shocked as she was. While their father was not opposed to telling her off constantly, he'd never resorted to calling her a tramp. He'd never resorted to calling her names, even. This was the first time.

"Kit?" Her brother snapped out of his daze and walked over to her, giving her a hug. She appreciated the gesture but it wasn't needed. Pushing her brother's body gentle away from hers she shook her head.

"It's okay. I just didn't realise he felt that about Micah." Her shoulders shrugged.

"I think it's more than you didn't like Cillian." The thought of the ginger haired boy made Nathan's nose scrunch up. "He was a bit of a twerp. I'm so glad he's not your mate." Kitty felt Nathan snake his arms around her shoulders, showing brotherly love. She looked up at him, shocked, but didn't say a word. It was odd that Nathan was showing affection so openly, but she wasn't complaining.

They started to walk away from the front door, and in the direction of the kitchen. Kitty had eaten some sort of oat bar that she found, stashed under her bed, while wrapping the frame but apart from that her stomach was empty. On queue it let out a loud rumble. She heard her brother's laugh filling her with joy, and making her laugh as well.

"I still think it was wrong of Dad not to let you eat." He frowned, once his laughter had subsided.

"He's still angry because I snuck out to see Alpha Redford." It may have been wrong on several levels to starve your daughter but she wasn't going to question or challenge it. It was just the way the cookie crumbled, as Bruce Almighty said.

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