The Date

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Loki ran the comb through his hair one more time, cursing as it caught yet again on his unruly black curls. A hot shower had left them perfectly glistening, and his skin steaming, but not even the strongest comb could stand up against the beastly black monsters. He threw the comb down in frustration and simply ran his fingers haphazardly through his hair instead. "Try and rule me hair, its time to meet your maker!" he said to himself, almost laughing but his sheer annoyance by his current predicament prevented it from surfacing.

"Hah!" he proclaimed, studying his reflection in the mirror, taking in the now slightly less messy heap of black curls stacked not so neatly, but certainly sexily, on top of his head. "Owned!"

Satisfied, and with new swagger in his stride, Loki strutted out of the bathroom and into his bedroom to take the outfit Charlotte had picked out earlier for him out of the closet. She had arranged the closet in such a way that he could not miss it, though he could chose something else if he wanted, he doubted she would like that. And something about pissing off a witch didn't sit right with him anymore, too many frozen showers. Shivering  at the thought of it, Loki seized the outfit and started to struggle into the crisp black pants, fitted red button-up, and dark boots. Against his tan skin, the fabric stood out in a most pleasing manner, and what Fire Juton didn't look sexy as hell in black?

Grinning at himself in the bedside mirror, he did a few twists and turns before concluding  he was satisfied with the attire. "Witch strikes again," he purred, "Lets just hope her little spell is enough to bewitch an Ice Queen".

But then again, did he really need any help in that? 

"Naaaah..." he flexed in the mirror, noting the way the shirt emphasized his toned arms. "I'm sexy enough on my own".

A high pitched laugh made him whirl around, and to his horror he found a servant girl standing in the now wide open door. "U-Uh..." he stammered, a dark blush spreading across his cheeks, "I can explain...?"

She waved him off, still giggling ever so slightly. "No need, men are men, kings or not".

Loki gave her his most unimpressed face, though trying to look serious after that sort of blunder only made her laugh harder. "I may be a king, but I'm still sexy".

"Right," she rolled her eyes, "Anyway, I'm just here to give you these." She held out to him a buddle of white tiger lillies, their petals delicately sprawled out to reveal a copious amount of powdered snow inside. 

Loki couldn't help but smile, they were even better than he had asked. And it had taken quite some convincing before Charlotte finally agreed to enchant them for him. All worth it though, Megan was worth a thousand begging sessions, even a million. "Thank you," he took them gently, as to not cause the snow to stir. "Shes going to love these".

"Indeed," the servant girl smiled, her blue eyes sparkling slightly as she admired the blooms openly. "Shes a lucky girl".

"Yeah, but I'm an even luckier man".

She blushed, obviously impressed by his open expression of his love for Megan, and bowed her head, making a quick exit without a further word. 

He set the flowers down on the dresser, using a delicate precision he didn't know he posessed to fit the small card he had made to go along with them into the middle of the boquet. "Perfect," he whispered. 

But not quite.

He pondered a second, tapping his chin and stroking the subtle traces of stubble that was surfacing along his jaw. His eyes glided over to the small box sitting next to boquet, and then he rembered. "Oh yeah!" he chuckled to himself, reaching out and snatching the box from its place. "That would have been bad to forget".

He opened it and carefully took the silver chain out, taking a moment to admire the way it caught the light before throwing it on. "Gotta show at least SOME rebellion".

He put the box down and picked up the flowers, glancing one more time in the mirror and running his fingers through his hair a final time before he strolled out into the hall. Megan was going to be so surprised, she probably didn't even remember what day it was.

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