Chapter 17

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My hearing gradually grows as I slowly open my eyes. I rub my head and feel my surroundings for something familiar. Yes I'm talking about Erik. I was shuffling through sheets. I was shuffling through mixed feelings. Where is he? 

"Erik." I say as I struggle to sit up. "Erik where are you?"

"Ellie." He takes hold of my hand. "It's okay I'm here. Shh."

A slight smile of relief. I turn to him with my blurry vision. Brunette. Bright blue eyes. 

"Erik?" I shake my head. "No no no."

"Ellie what's wrong?" 

"You're not Erik." I rub my eyes and try to pull off the IV connected to my wrist.

"Eliana, hey stop! You need that and who's Erik?"

I stare at my hands as his is lingering through mine. I look at him as my vision slowly comes back... 

"Nathan." I whisper.

"Yeah it's me." He smiles.

"Where- How- How'd you get here?" I smooth out my sheets.

"I was on the road right when you got hit. I was actually heading to my friend's new house. He called me to help him with some stuff but then I had to call that off because I realized it was you who was in the wreck." 

He smiled sympathetically.

"Are you okay?"

I nod. "Yeah." 

I throw my head back.

"I thought you were in Houston for your dad's oil company." I turn to him.

"Yeah but it turns out that he didn't need my brains. He needed a partner who had money."

"Go figure. I told you it'd end up like that." I look away

"Yeah." He leans on the bed. "I'm sorry I doubted you."

I sigh. 


"What's wrong?" He asks. "You seem really off."

"Remember the baby?" I ask him. 

He smiles. "Of course, when you gave birth to him I was the happiest guy alive."

I close my eyes. "Please don't start Nate."

"Ellie, you know you can't deny that he was a gift. A gift given to both of us."

I keep my eyes closed and inhale deeply.

"Ellie that child is ours and you know that. You may think that the night we spent together was a mistake but I know it's not." 

I refuse to open my eyes and listen to him. 

"Do you have any idea how it's been for me to be so far from both you and my son?" 

I shake my head. "Stop Nate. I don't want to right now."

"Ellie you can't keep pushing me away. I'm here now, not in Houston. We can start our life together now. Wherever Ian is we can take him back and then we'd have our own little family."

"Don't call him that. That isn't his name."

I still refuse to open my eyes and look at him. 

"Ellie. Why are you so-"

"So what huh Nathan?" I look at him. 

"Why do you always have to play the victim?" 

"Are you crazy? Now I'm the one playing the victim?" I struggle to sit up once again.

"Look I don't want to argue so let's not."

"Well you started it and so I was putting an end to it." 

"You never put an end to anything Ellie. You keep things vulnerable and unsolved."

"That's it. Get out. Get out. Get out!"

Nathan walked out at last after what felt like a million years. I bite my bottom lip from the pain as my left hand forms into a fist. I shake my head. 

"Hi Ms. Butler?" I turn to see the Doctor.

I smiled. 

"How are you feeling today?" He asks me.

"It could be better." 

"Well we all have those days." He smiles reassuringly.

I look at my fidgeting hands.

"So it looks like someone has decided that it's better for you to be taken care of at home." 

He smiles at me. I roll my eyes. Fucking Nathan, I thought.

"And from the looks of it Mr. Durm would be here shortly." 

I look at him. "Excuse me? There must be a misunderstanding."

"Uhh no, he called this morning. He's been in this whole morning signing papers."

"Uhh no." I sit up. "He isn't on my medical contacts." 

"Ms. Butler he came in with your mother and they both firmly made this decision together."

I sigh. "Thank you... Doctor for the notice." 

"Have a great day Ms. Butler." 

I throw my head back. "Damn it."

"Knock Knock." 

"Go away." I say eyes closed.

"Ellie I just wanted to say goodbye before you get discharged."

"Why are you still here." 

"Fine I'll go." He says. 

"I can still feel your conniving presence."

"Ouch." He laughs.

"Nate. Go home."


"I've shut you out already so if you will just take a few steps outside and reconsider or I'll physically hurt you. 

"Goodbye Ellie."

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