"You better keep your mouth shut." Scott spoke through gritted teeth. "Or I'll kill your boyfriend as well."


"Who the fuck was that?!" Dan's voice raised, following me around the locker room.

It had been about five minutes since Scott had left. My emotions were in disorder, clouding my rational judgement and tugging away from Dan in fear as he caught my hand. I received a sympathetic look as he peered down.

"Is that your blood?"

My only thought was of disgust as I dropped my gaze to the drying red liquid upon my skin. I stretched my palms out in front of me, hastily turning them from side to side. It was Scott's blood. I felt dirty.

"Help me wash it off." My voice trembled as I stumbled over to the toilet door. "Dan!" I desperately called.

He was by my side in seconds, rolling my sleeves up and guiding my hands under the tap. I stood and sobbed as he scrubbed me clean with soap and water in the small wash room. The cool water was chilling my already icy skin. A towel was tugged from the rail, Dan gently drying off the moisture. Droplets still shimmered on his hands as his right cautiously rose to my face. My chin was tilted upwards, his thumb brushing over the marked area on cheek; it was sure to bruise.

"Please don't." I whimpered.

My split lip was sore, I knew it would take a while to heal. But my attention was diverted away from the stinging sensation as warm fingers carefully curled around my hand.

"This is to do with Harry, isn't it?" Dan paused. "That guy who did this to you, it was because of Harry."

I already knew full well Dan disapproved. They hated each other.

"You have to tell him." He abruptly spoke.

"No." I vigorously shook my head. "Scott said.." My voice trailed off, not having the courage to finish the sentence.

Dan's expression hardened as he stared at me, head dipping lower to my level. His warm breath fanned over my face and I had no other choice but to hold his eye contact.

"He's no good for you, Bo. He'll end up hurting you because of who he is...Harry's dangerous."

"No." I whimpered.

My fingers slipped from his as I refused to accept the words falling from his lips. Did he expect me to leave Harry? I recognised Dan's frustration, reaching out to me before I could pull away.

"For goodness sake, Bo. Look at your face."

I sharply inhaled as Dan's fingers gripped my chin once more, angling my face to the mirror. It shocked me to absorb the image of a broken girl in front of me. My eyes were watering, desperately trying to prevent the threatening tears. The spilt on my bottom lip was tender, dried blood smudged around the area. My cheek was pink, hints of darkness tinted into the skin.

"Do you see what he's caused?"

My smaller hand gripped his, ripping it away. I had no desire to stand and endue his voice repeatedly scolding me. I'd had enough of it.

"Stop it!" I cried, taking us both by surprise. "You don't know anything!"

Dan appeared shocked by my outburst, my body backing away into the locker room. I hastily scooped up my bag, shoving my hair back over my shoulders and quickly walking to the back door.


"You can lock up." I spoke quietly before making a hasty exit.


I jumped as my phone began to vibrate, fumbling in my bag before pulling out the device demanding my attention. My head darted around, a figure catching the corner of my eye. The unassuming young guy continued to walk along the path the opposite side of the road as I took in a deep breath. My level of anxiousness had sky rocketed, finding the task of crossing the street a little challenging. I attempted to keep my head down, brushing my hair over to the side in an attempt to conceal the bruising on my cheek. I hit the green button, raising the phone to my ear.

"Hello, Beautiful."

An involuntarily breath was tensely inhaled, tightening my chest. The last person to greet me with those words had taken his anger out on my face.

"Bo? Baby, you alright?" His husky tone was confused.

I gulped down the sob attempting to escape.

"I-I'm fine." I unconvincingly reassured.

Harry paused for a second, contemplating my answer before continuing.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you." I could hear his smile through the phone. The sound of his voice had already started to magically work on my nervous state. "Is it still alright for me to pick you up?"

But my eyes quickly widened in panic, I couldn't let him see me like this. Scott's threat echoed in my mind, I wouldn't let anyone hurt Harry. I had to protect him; and if that meant withholding certain information from him, then so be it. My thoughts swirled as I raked my brain for a believable excuse, anything to keep a distance between us.

"N-No, I'm..going to a friend's house."

"Oh ok." The disappointment in his tone was heart breaking. "Well, I can take you." He suggested.

"No, Harry..I'll walk." I spoke quietly. He was unaware I had already made a dramatic exit from the shop.

"Are you sure you're alright? You sound upset."

The voices in the background had faded slightly, removing himself from the busy environment to talk to me in a quieter setting.

"It's nothing, just a stressful day at work." I lied, completely downplaying the events that had taken place. He didn't need to know.

"Was it that dick from the shop?" Harry tightly asked. "I'll kick his arse if he's upset you."

My eyes squeezed closed, typical Harry. If he'd of seen my face I knew he would do more than just throw a few punches. The thought chilled me. I continued to make my way home, turning to walk along the path in the direction of my house.

"No, you don't have to kick anyone's arse." I lightly laughed.

My small smile was mixed with salty droplets stinging against my wounds.

"Good." The amusement clear in his voice, quickly changing the subject. "I want to cook for you." Harry paused. "Well..when I say cook, I mean picking up the phone and ordering a take-away. But it's the thought that counts, right?"

"I'd love that." I smiled, momentarily getting caught up in his sweet gestures before reality came crashing down. I painfully gulped, staring at my reflection in the window by my front door.

"I have to go, Harry." I spoke, struggling to hold my composure.

"Ok, I'll talk to you later, Baby."

"Bye." I whispered.

"Bye, Beautiful."

I ended the call, unable to keep a grasp of any sort of equanimity slipping through my fingers. I barely made it within the safety of my house before collapsing to the floor, sobbing as I curled my knees up to my chest. My back pressed to the hard wood of the front door, releasing my fear in petrified tears.

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