"Remember when I said my friends wanted to meet you?"

Lips pressed to mine as he mumbled his confirmation against my mouth. My fingers slid beneath his beanie, pushing the hat from his soft curls.

"Well, they're sat in the living room now."

My words were muffled into the kiss. I warily smiled as Harry caught my shoulders pushing me back and staring at me wide-eyed.

"What?" His eyebrows rose.

"They might be on the sofas waiting." I innocently smiled at him.

"Right now?" Harry spoke, baffled.

I nodded.

His vision flicked to the door of the living room. Seconds later Harry's phone was revealed from his back pocket. I watched on as long fingers scrolled across the screen.

"What are you doing, phoning for backup?" I quirked.

"Not quite."

The smirk displayed made me a little uneasy. His phone was held to his ear, eyes on me as he knowingly smiled. When the confirmed ringing was heard he quickly handed me his mobile. I looked down, slightly confused about what was going on. I cursed as I read the name.

"Phoning Jess." Flashed on the screen.

"Harry." I warned.

But he was already half way through the living room door before glancing around at me.

"Good luck with my sister." He laughed.

I didn't quite know what to do, I couldn't cancel the call now. The sound of my friends greeting him could be heard through the small gap between the frame.

"So Harry, what do you do for a living?" Was the first question Zoe asked.

I took satisfaction in knowing my friends would grill the hell out of him. He deserved it after the situation he had just thrusted me into. A voice brought my attention to the phone I currently clasped in my right hand.

"Harry? Are you there?"

I placed the device to my ear.

"Oh um, hi, this is Bo...Harry's girlfriend." I stuttered.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh..MUM!"

I winced slightly, holding the phone away from the side of my head as Jess continued to call for her mother. I placed it to my left as she addressed me again.

"Hello, Bo, are you still there?"

"Yeah, I'm here." I smiled.

"My mum's not in, so you've just got me. This is so exciting; I've been nagging Harry for ages to meet you. I guess this isn't really meeting you properly, but it's the next best thing. Is he there now, so I can speak to both of you?"

"Oh no, he's currently being interrogated by my friends." I joked.

Jess laughed. I had remembered Harry saying how Jess was always chattering; there was never an awkward silence when you were within her presence.

"There are so many things I wanted to tell you and ask you; but now that I've got you my mind has gone blank." She admitted.

"You're exactly how Harry described you." I smiled.

I had been informed of his sister's excited mannerisms, even over the simplest of things.


The relief on Harry's face as he saw me enter he living room was quite a picture. He was up on his feet instantly, walking over. A kiss was pressed to my cheek before he hastily moved behind me. I took notice of his dishevelled curls, an obvious visual indication of his nervousness and how he had repeatedly run his fingers through them.

An arm encircled my waist, back pressed to his front, using me as a human shield. I turned my head, placing a kiss to Harry's neck.

"You sister told me about Spain." I whispered.

His eyes widened, grip tightening. I stifled a laugh before glancing to my friends.

"Anyone want a drink?"

There were a few nods of heads, my fingers prying Harry's arm from me before I walked over to the door. He was hot on my heels, pursuing me to the kitchen.

"She has no filter" He mumbled to himself.

I giggled, reaching up and retrieving a couple of glasses from the cupboard as he leant against the worktop.

"I thought it was pretty funny. Why were you swimming naked anyway?"

"It was the middle of the night and I was boiling."

Jess and I had had a very enlightening conversation, which mainly consisted of her spilling all of Harry's embarrassing stories. One of my favourites being their family holiday to Spain with their mum.

"I still haven't forgiven her for stealing my trunks and towel."

I had learnt his sister had covertly followed him down to the pool, taken Harry's only clothing and pegged it back up to their room, leaving him with the delicate task of negotiating the trip to the seventeenth floor in the nude.

"It would have been alright if it wasn't for the awkward lift experience."

He groaned at the thought.

"Oh gosh, tell me." I laughed.

"No, no way." He shook his head rather vigorously. He nervously played with one of the buttons on his shirt before his head snapped up. "There's a party. Next week at Hayley's house." Harry gushed, attempting to change the subject. "Well, I use the term house, loosely."

"You're going?" I smiled, pouring squash into glasses.

I witnessed him nod from the corner of my eye.

"So are you." He paused. "Um, if you want to."

My head turned to see him peering at me, curious eyes locking with mine.

"I'd love to."

The grin he wore lit up his face, dimples deeply indented into his cheeks.

"Great... oh and..don't leave me on my own with your friends again." He cautiously added.

Harry shifted on his feet, glancing around to the door. If I didn't know better he looked a little frightened.

"Why?" I questioned, placing the bottle to the side.

"They asked me to take my shirt off to prove I was a boxing trainer."

"Oh my god." I laughed.

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