Government N.

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I situate myself in my desk, readying for attendance.

"Ali Nunes."  I don't reconize this vioce. I turn to Cher, she shrugs her sholders and turns around. The  pencil on my desk rolls off allowing me the perfect excuse to look and see where this new voice is coming from. A tall bruntte with dark green eyes stands in the front of the classroom. He gives me a peircing glance warning me to turn back around.

"Ali Nunes."  A second call. Glances are exchanged, even though that could cost us a strip. Passing glances are considered rude, because we could be accusing people.

"Here." I utter and slighty raise my hand. Cher looks at me in disbeleif. 'You never get the second.' She mouths to me. I smirk and turn straight. A new teacher? That could only mean one thing. Our city is in trouble. I need to find out what happened.

"May I please the the restroom?" I could feel the eyes being shifted my way yet again. I gestured another rude action. We are not allowed to ask during attendance, it slows the process down.

"Yes, but please wait until attendance is over." His dark voice mumbles. My eyebrows shoot up in shock. If I ask during attendance I could get a a strip...again. But I don't, I just get a yes? That's absurd.

"And last, but not least...Darius Laines" The last name, now I can go. I wait to see for the teacher to come to the desk so I can walk up to him. He doesn't. It is considered rude to ask again. I go to raise my hand, but right before I do I hear,

"You may go now." I know that is for me so I get up and thnk him. I leave the room and shut the door. I run throught the hallway stopping to walk by each door. The wind from running whipping through my golden blonde hair then stoping. I trace the markings on the bathroom door, so elagant from the putside. The bathroom is the only place where we can be ourselves. They don't put cameras in the bathroom and they aren't allowed in it. I push the golden door open. I quickly run in and lock the door. I look in the mirror and wait. Cher will follow soon, if I'm gone for more than the appriate time she asks to check on me. We then have two extra minutes to be in. Three knocks is the key. I look in the mirrior once again. I notice a small mark right under my left side chin. It's fairly small, yet bright red. I hear it a small kock. One. Two. Three. I run to the door and unlock it. She runs in and I fall backwards.She locks it.

"What's going on?"

"We have a new teacher Cher, we NEVER have a new teacher!" I say quietly..they may not be allowed in here, but they can still listen!

"I know...but how are we going to find anything out?" Her sentence stuns me. How are we going to find anything out?

"Cher we did it once before for library, now we just have to dig deeper!" Her stressed, and tensed face turn into a softer and gentler look.

"It amazes me how fooled they have everyone here!" Cher and I are the only ones who didn't fall for the perfect counrty deal. There's something more! She checks her grey watch, the grey watch that everyone has.

"Stop looking at that thing! It's demeaning! It's basically stateing that they have power over us!" I snap at her. I hate the stupid watch and you can not take it off or the buzzer will sound and police will come and watch me for three days straight. Cher looks confused her mouth moves into a frown.


"Cher, it has timers on it for when we can eat! It has a symbol on it to tell us apart, blondes from bruntte, tall to short, they even have our weight!"

"So? People aren't suppossed to judge us!"

"They aren't suppossed to but, look at us! We break the rules multiple times a day!" Her face blank realizeing things she hadn't seen before. I look at my demeaning watch and nod. We leave the bathroom, Cher walks into class first. When I walk in class is ending.

"Okay kids pack up your things and head to your next class. Be safe." Our teachers voice trailed along the walls of the classroom. I pick up my things and head towards the door.

"Not you Ms. Nunes, I need to speak with you." His voice stern and filled with rage. I spin the opossite way, so I am not facing him. You are not suppossed to face authority figures.

"Ms.Nunes I unders-" His voice trailed off as the last person left. He shut the door and continued...but with different words.

"Don't worry there aren't any cameras in this classroom." His dark voice now turning into a casually mad voice. I don't budge, he is signaling me to turn around but I will stay put, not saying a word. He sighed and continued.

"Ali...turn around and face me!" His intensity is rising, and I am becoming more and more frightened. I spin around and cross my arms, tyring to act as if I am not scared.

"Much better, now I understand you went against the rules today. I could turn you in and you could get a strip...maybe a fraction. Or you can tell me what you and Cher are planning." A new teacher, and he's already rude, aggressive, pushy, and frightening. His dark green eyes locking on mine. I don't look away, my eyes are starting to tear. I am scared and nervous. This never happens everyone else is so oblivious, but him, he sees everything...he's not from around here. He's new, not only to this school, but to this city. His brown hair then falling in front of the green, breaking the stare.

"You could tell on me for being inconsiderate to the class, but then I can just tell them what is happening now." I stand straight up and look into his eyes. He chuckles a bit and opens his mouth.

"Who are they going to beleive you or me?" She said slightly smirking.

"Well, I assume they would beleive a sttudent that has been here for awhile, than a new teacher." I don't know who they would belive, but I have to be stand my gaurd. He can not know he frightens me. He doesn't say a word. He just turns around and continues filing papers on his desk.

"If that is it I should really be getting to class now, Mr...?" I need to know his name. I can find out information.

"Mr. Spline" He says without turning around.

"Well, Mr. Spline I need to be getting to my other classes now, have a good day." I use my fake pleasant voice and start walking out the door.

"Be careful." He whispered. I opened the door, and met Cher.

"What just happened?" She asks carefully looking around to make sure there are no Gaurds around.

"He theatened to tell on me for being inconsiderate. But he was also being very rude. Every rule has just been thrwon out the window." I reply to Cher. She grabs my hand and drags me to the bathroom.

"I know how we can dig deep on Mr..?"

"Spline...Mr. Spline" I inform Cher.

"Yeah, well we can throw trash on the sidewalks of the school, then they will call everyone out to clean. We will have a school cleaning day!" I see where she's going with this. Our school has to be perfect, just like our town. One piece of garbage and the whole school gets a clean. Even the principals.

"Okay, I see where you're going with this, but how will we get inside?" A divious smiles creeps upon Cher's face.

"Well You will get them! Okay Mr. Spline could get terminated from our town for what he did! Go to him threaten him, he'll have to give you the keys!"       I smile and start to walk out of the bathroom. I have never threatened anyone. It could get me and Cher terminated as well as Mr. Spline. I stand in line to wait for Math to be ready. Mrs. Tenate opens the door allowing us to go in. I walk up to her and look down. "Mrs. Tenate, could I go to Mr. Spline, I left something in his classroom.?" She nods. No one is in his classroom. Its his break. I walk in turn around and shut the door. His face filled with terror. He starts to walk towards me. He stops right in front of me I look up and stumble, he is quite close.

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