Chapter 2

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"Do you think we should... Like... Set a date or anything?" Cesar asked as we lay in bed, his hands intertwined in mine.

"Cesar." I chuckled. "We got engaged yesterday. It's eight in the morning."

"I'm just excited!" He smiled. "I've been dreaming of this since the third grade!"

"Can you imagine?" I laughed. "Little eight year Cesar, if he was told that one day he would marry Avia Butler, his biggest crush?"

"I wouldn't believe it!" Cesar laughed. "I'd say you were crazy, because Avia Butler, is way too perfect to be mine."

My heart jumped. I loved those moments where he would just say something that just brightened my day.

"I was the same as you. I had the biggest crush! If I was told I would marry you back then, I would flip out. I mean..." I chuckled. "Watch the old vlogs from like 2014, I was always talking about you! My dad would always tease me about it, Gavin would always tease me! Everyone knew I was a little obsessed with you."

"That's ok. I'm still obsessed with you." He kissed my forehead.

"And I'm still obsessed with you." I looked up him to see him smiling. "Alright..." I sat up. "Let's talk wedding now."

"Wow, you changed your mind quickly! What happened to it being eight in the morning?" He laughed.

"I fell too in love with you to set it aside." I winked. "Do you have any dates in mind?"

"You are the only date I have in mind." He gave a cute little smirk.

"You know what I meant! Not that date!" I rolled my eyes.

"What about... November 18?" He suggested.

"Why that?"

"You're gonna think I'm weird for remembering this... But when I was in third grade, I remember finding out about your family's YouTube channel that day... So I started watching some vlogs that night, because I still had this giant crush on you... And then I watched a vlog where you talked about me and said how you liked me. My little third grade heart exploded right then. I remember going to school the next day and being so excited that Avia, the girl I was so hooked on, liked me back. I always remember that day, and now I remember it as the day our future together began." He shrugged.

"That's..." I smiled widely. "That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "Let's do it. November 18."

"Really?" He exclaimed.

"Really." I smiled. "I know it's over a year to wait, but then we have more time to plan, you know?"

"Well..." He paused. "I don't wanna wait a year. I wanna marry you as soon as possible. How about..." He hesitated. "How about we get married this November? It's August right now... We still have like three months to plan! I don't want to wait over a year, Avia!"

I was taken aback. Weddings are planned over the course of a year. Not three months. But when I saw the look in Cesar's eyes, I knew he was right.

"Let's get married then. In three months." I smiled.

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