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This chapter is more for me, I'm just trying to get ideas for characters so it isn't really a chapter and will not contribute in anyway to the story progression, you don't have to read this.



I guess the rest wasn't history because Dino called security (he actually called security) who are just a bunch of buff freshmen with free time. Oh and did I mention I got extra detention time. Yeah we'll I got extra detention time.

I hate my brother.

And now my dream of a world of justice is lost forever more...

Cue perfect crystalline tear.

When I opened the door the handle just broke off again. When I knocked on the door I heard the teacher shout "for fucks sake!" And open the door. "Just leave the fucking thing on my desk," he ordered and stomped back to his porn station of a desk. I did as he ordered and put it on his desk making sure to give him a dirty look as I did so though he didn't even see because he was glued to the computer screen with his headphones on. I don't see why he couldn't just take it to his desk himself. It's not like I even want to be here, I would rater be locked out to be completely honest.

As I walk in to room 215 I wonder which delinquent committed what crime. I'm about to sit in the front seat I say in yesterday when I remember its a vulnerable and easy target seat since the teacher is absolutely no use. I choose the last seat in a empty row near the back away from those scary rebels. Now I don't have to communicate with them and have easy access to the door. Score. Not really 'cus I'm in detention but still score.

The detention was quiet this time as half the people didn't even show. After I went to Dino's office and he showed all the Delinquents files.

Hmm, the girl with the black with one red streaks' name is Marcella. Her hair is cropped so its long at the front and really short at the back. She had almond shaped eyes and dark brown eyes with pounds of eye liner and mascara which made her eyes look bigger. She seemed to smile for no reason. Spanish. Theft.

I actually learned alot of people names. Like the guy who's hair was orange and never seemed to have a lighter is called Harlow. He had permanently happy blue eyes and an overbite. He also had stubble which was surprisingly not orange. Drug possession.

Also the girl with purple hairs' name is Alma. She's African American and has very interesting nails and mysterious dark brown. Vandalism.

Then Davi, he's half Brazilian and African American. He has tropical coloured skin and really short curly fall leaf brown hair which was darker at the edges. He has light brown eyes and a crooked smile and two ear piercings on the same ear! I hear a lot of girls talk about him though he can't speak fluent English. Identity fraud. (For getting into strip clubs I bet)

Then Jupiter who's African American and just seems to sleep. He has a goatee and a Afro buzzcut and surprisingly pale blue/gray eyes. Why is he even here, he barely does anything. Joy-ride, possession of alcohol.

Then there's Marcus who has dry blonde hair like he used too much hairspray or just didn't care to wash. It was really messy he had brown eyes with the tiniest hint of green underneath the pupil and freckles. He also had piercings. On his lip eyebrow and earlobe. Assisted theft And drug possession.

Then twins Gianni and Gianna, Italian, obviously. They look exactly alike despite them being, you know different genders. Gianni has styled spiky, fluffy upwards hair and is on the schools basketball team. A jock, and his sister Gianna who is a fierce fiery cheerleader who always has a determined face of steal. They both have honey brown hair and dark blue eyes and tanned skin, they are freshman. Vandalism and joyriding

Then theirs JiMin who is Korean and is quite talk an wears alot of Hewlett. He has black hair, brown eyes and really pale but smooth and healthy skin. He was in possession of Drugs and alcohol.

Then Asher. The not cute guy who has long dark/black brown hair and hazel eyes with a cigarette constantly attached to his mouth. He's kinda sleazy, and he has cat shaped eyes. Huh? Under reason it is "classified". He must have done something awful...wait it says he got here on scholarship and ranking no. 1 currently.

No my glory schiznits.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2013 ⏰

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