Realisation, A Push From Friends

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Lavi had been searching for his two friends for an hour already and he decided to try cafeteria and he walked in and finally he'd found his two friends sitting at their usual table Kanda with his usual Soba dinner and Allen with his usual stack of food piling high as the eiffel tower when he had ordered and got his food he joined them he still could never get over how much that boy ate. He called happily "Yuu!" at those words the said ponytailed teen glared at the boy dangerously "Damn baka usagi don't call me by that name or I'll gut you with mugen" he went to unsheathe his sword but Allen put a stop to that rather quickly "Yuu if you do that I will ban you to your own room for a week" the threat hung heavy and Kanda put his sword away "Baka moyashi" Allen glared at him "Names Allen Bakanda!" Lavi smiled and laughed at his friends banter then grinned "Neh you wouldn't think you two were dating at all" truthfully hardly anyone knew a part from him and Lenalee and Komui they had worked together to get the two to get on it worked a little too well.

A little into dinner Allen looked at Lavi "Lavi, what is real reason you wanted to speak to us? You don't normally lately" he tilted his head and at his words Kanda finally looked up with slight curiosity at what the red heads answer would be he stayed silent for a while until Kanda spoke up "Baka Usagi the moyashi asked you a question" Allen was about to protest but let it slide for now he'd get him back later so he turned Lavi even he could tell something was gravely troubling his friend and he didn't like it one bit. Lavi just tilted his head he was a bit unsure of how they would react to him thinking about their enemy so he shrugged.  "Lavi what's been bothering you lately you've been out of it a lot" Kanda nodded his agreement "Baka usagi we've all noticed it stop worrying my Moyashi and rest of us tell us what's wrong" he was clearly annoyed at red head currently.

After a little longer Lavi took a deep breath and spoke lowly "Neh Allen you and Kanda are in love right?" at the question two raised an eyebrow then Allen proceeded to blush like a tomato as he nodded silently "well how did you know you you liked Kanda? what IS like? What is love?" he questioned both were taken back by his questions Kanda just snorted and went back to his food he'd never admit how he knew he liked the little moyashi or when he started liking him. Allen smiled softly "Lavi like can be put into many different explanations. Friend like, brotherly like, sisterly like, food like, colour like. But when you realise you like someone more then either of them it's when you fin yourself staring at them frequently, unable to concentrate on anything at first but them, wanting to do all you can to ensure they're always happy or near you" he blushed "That's how you know when you like someone Lavi" at the words his friend said his eyes widened. Allen smiled softly. Lavi gapped "And love?" Allen nudged Kanda.

Kanda had just been quietly listening too all of what his moyashi said and he was shocked at his moyashi's deep explanation when he was nudged he gave his lover a deadly glare he did not want to have this conversation with the baka usagi but Allens gaze melted his resolve and he sighed "Listen good baka usagi I'll say ths one only. Love is a very strong pull towards your soul mate you can't ignore it. Love is when all you ever think about is your other half's happiness, always wanting what's best for them putting them before yourself. When you see that person your heart feels like butterflies fluttering everytime your near them, when you can sense about them  everything" he smiled softly to alls shock "Just as I do for Aren" his accent changed allen to aren and it made said boy blush. 

After the explanations Lavi gapped "I have been none stop thinking about Tykki Allen." He looked down not wanting to see the disappointment, betrayal or anger in the other two boys faces. But he couldn't have been more wrong Allen smile making him look up "That night against Tykki he molested me but I didn't dislike it I don't understand why I was ok with him doing that" he looked down "I can't stop thinking about him his smile, his embrace everything" he gave a confused look to both as Allen touched his shoulder he grinned softly "What are you grinning for beansprout?" Allen glared "Names Allen Baka usagi!" but he smiled "Lavi you like Tykki" Lavi shot his head up panicking and worried "Calm down baka usagi we won't say anything or turn our backs on you" Lavi was shocked "After all...." he trailed off as Allen finished it with a fond smile " can't help who you like" he smiled and Lavi was glad.

Lavi could not believe his ears his friends who despised the Noah clan were encouraging him to like their enemy. He didn't understand why. "But I'm a bookman" his voice cracked with effort not to cry he knew he could never be with Tykki but Allen sighed and Kanda hit him "Look baka usagi all of us even bookman new you were never going to succeed him" Allen nodde agreeing "So go and find him and confess your feelings to him we'll always back you up" Lavi's eye widened he grinned happy. "Then I will" he got up and just as he was about to leave the cafeteria Leverrier walked in. "All exorcists an generals to gather immediately the earl has started the final battle. May god keep you safe by holy blessing of the pope himself" all got up to get ready and leave Allen whispered to Lavi "While we fight you fin Tykki and get him alone change him and admit your feelings we'll hold them off as long as we can for you both" Lavi was shocked and nodded.

After everyone had geared up and gotten ready they all stood together in main battlefield it was now or never Lavi spotted Tykki already and his look became one of determination. He was going to do as they said and he'd be damned before he was rejected chance to confess and change him. With final call the battle began. 

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