she's a vampire

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Serena POV                                                                                                                            

“Kurt wake up, it’s only a dream” I said as Kurt tossed and turned in his sleep I had just gotten in from the best night of my life and I came through the door and Kurt was screaming, I couldn’t even understand what he was saying. His eyes opened as I shook him. “It’s just a dream”

            “Serena how could you?” he said as he started to cry, did he realise that I didn’t come home last night and that I had the most amazing time with Leon.

            “I’m sorry Kurt” I said sitting on his bed.

            “No don’t say that, that’s what you said in my dream right before you bit me” he said as his eyes had tears pouring out of them, this was not the first time I had seen Kurt cry but I thought he would of maned up by now seeming he’s so buff “But it wasn’t really you it was Missy”.

            “What’s going on” George said as she walked into the room. “I just had the worst nightmare and I thought that having a dream catcher was supposed to prevent them” she rubbed her eyes and sat next to me. What was with people and having nightmares?

            “Well Kurt just had a nightmare” I said feeling really bad, he must have been pretty upset last night to have a nightmare like that.

            “Wow we both did” George said as her eyes widened, “What was yours about?”

            “She was biting me” Kurt said pointing at me “And then you walked in with a crucifix and burnt her skin with it, she went flying back and she was actually Missy”

            “That is so strange I had the exact same dream” She said in amazement, I must say that is kinder strange.

            “This is freaky” I said as I stood up. “Well why don’t you two talk about this while I go to bed” I said as I headed for the door.

      “I don’t think so” Kurt said as he got up from his bed and grabbed my arm. “It’s time to talk, you, George and I”

“Look I feel really bad and well I didn’t have a choice did I? I wanted to see Leon but I knew I couldn’t because of you. So I lied I’m really sorry” I said looking into his eyes as he looked into mine.

            “I don’t mean apologise I know you mean what you say but that’s not what I want to talk to you about” he said as the three of us sat on his bed.

            “What then?” I asked as I looked at the ground.

            “This” he said. I looked at him and his hand was closed tightly like he was holding something. He opened his hand and he had blood coming out of his palm.

George POV

            “What are you doing Kurt?” I asked as I sounded scared. I looked over a Serena who was gazing at the blood, her eyes started to go pale blue and her teeth became pointy so they were like vampire teeth.

            “I knew it! He turned you last night” Kurt said as he closed his hands.

            “What? Serena’s a vampire” I said, I was a bit freaked out by this. My life was turning into an episode of Buffy the vampire slayer, how awesome!

            “Yeah she is” Kurt said as he looked at my sister.

            “NO THIS CANT BE” she yelled as she stormed out of the room.

            “I think I have an idea” I said as I ran into my room and came back into his with the vampire comic book I had been given the day before.

            “What’s that” he said grabbing it off of me and flipping through the pages.

“It’s help”

“Umm it’s just a comic book” he said rolling his eyes.

“Yeah I know that, but I met these girls at the Wicca shop, who said they can help me if I ever needed it, the comic has got there number on the back” I said snatching the comic off of him and showing him the number.

“Good Idea but I don’t think they can help”

“Let’s just give them a try okay” I said smiling “Can I use your phone?”


“Has your sister been hiding in the dark” one of the girls said on the other end of the phone.

“Um no, but she did lock herself in her room” I said answering the question.

“Okay, what about her finger nails and her breath?”

“Um her fingernails are always long and I haven’t smelled her breath” I said “But I already know she’s a vampire I saw it”

“Well I’m sorry but you’re going to have to kill your sister”

“What no way” I said angrily “There’s got to be another way”

“Well has she had her first drink of blood?”

“Um, no I don’t think so”

“Then there’s still hope if we kill the head vampire all the vampires who have drunken blood will die while the ones that haven’t will become human once again. Do you know who the head vampire is?”

“I know exactly who it is” I said as I looked a Kurt who was listening as I had the phone on loud speaker.

“Good my sister and I can’t be there until tomorrow to help you”

“That’s okay we shall wait, see if my sister can sort anything out”

“Good idea”



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sorry if this chapter seems ruched and confusing i promise the next one will be better.

xoxo misakisses

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