Chapter 2

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After Alcide and I finished our meal, he paid and we stopped by the bar on the way out. "Thanks Sam, it was great as usual." He told the smaller shifter with a wave. I fanned my face and panted, feeling flush. It dawned on me suddenly. "Uh oh..." I warned. "What?-" Alcide started then paused, sniffing the air. "Shit! You're going into heat. Sam get her out of here! Take my truck, take her to my house and stay there until you hear from me!" He barked. "What? Why?" Sam questioned. I moaned as my body burned. Lust poured through my veins. "Sam now!" Alcide roared again. "But why me?! That girl is like a little sister to me. If she's going into heat, she's gonna tear me apart to get what she wants." Sam spoke worriedly. "Goddamn it! She's an Omega Sam! All she wants right now is a fuckin Alpha, and it's only gonna get worse. Now get her away from me before I lose my shit!" Alcide roared, growling deeply. I purred and reached for him. Whining when Sam pulled me back. "Noooo! Alcide! It hurts, make it stop!" I cried when he stepped further away. "I know baby, I know it hurts. But you're alright little one. Sam's gonna bring you to my place ok?" He comforted me. "Why your place? If she only wants to mate with an Alpha, won't being at your place make it worse?" Sam asked. "No, being surrounded by my scent soothes her. When she goes into heat, she locks hersf in my house and stays wrapped up in my bed. It's a comfort thing." Alcide explained, urging Sam and I out the door and towards his truck. As we took off I howled, wanting to go back. "I'm real sorry Annie, but we're almost there ok?" Sam spoke softly. By the time we made to Alcide's, the 2nd phase of my heat had started. I felt like I was burning up. I kicked out of my shoes and headed up to Alcide's room.

20 minutes after I was lying completely naked in his bed, snuggled up with one of Alcide's flannel shirts, and tangled up in his sheets. Sam poked his head in cautiously. "Can I come in?" He asked quietly. I nodded and burrowed my face deeper into Alcide's pillow. Sam handed me his phone. I looked at it curiously before answering, "hello?". "Hey sweetheart, how you doin?" Alcide's deep voice rumbled through the phone. Just his voice sent me into a frenzy again, and I moaned. "That bad huh?" He hissed. I whimpered. "Alciiiiiide.." I whined out, writhing in the bed. Sam grabbed the phone back. "Man, she dosent look so good, maybe you should be here. I don't know what to do. I don't know what she needs." Sam pleaded. "Sam you know what's gonna happen if I come over there. I don't know how long I can control myself." Alcide explained. "Alcide please! She's crying man, I'm talkin big fat alligator tears. She's crying, and she's scared, and she's hurtin bad. She's begging for you brother." Sam begged. "I'm on my way." Alcide growled and hung up. "Hang in there Annie, Al's on his way, ok?" Sam coached me. I nodded and winced.

It hurt so bad, it was like my insides were being torn apart. My heat cycles were never this bad before. "Whys it so bad this time?" Sam asked me. "Because there's a full moon tonight. It's always worse on a full moon. She's been lucky so far." Alcide appeared in the doorway. He was tense as he walked in and took in the scene. Sam was sitting on the edge of the bed, and my head was in his lap. "Sam get out." He barked. "I was just-" Sam started. "I said get out, and get your hands off my Omega." Alcide's voice was dangerously low. I knew my heat was affecting him. Being an Alpha, he felt it more strongly than any other male would, and right now, he saw me as his. "Sam, you should leave now." I sat up, and made sure to scoot away from him. Code stepped forward and Sam scrambled up, coming around the bed to stand in front of me. He didn't understand. "Now Alcide calm down, don't hurt her." Sam whispered softly. Alcide's eyes flared yellow. He was more wolf than man now. He growled threateningly and stepped around Sam, heading straight for me. I keened high in my throat at the display of power. Sam started to speak, but stopped when he saw Alcide crawl in bed beside me and pull me close as possible. Covering my small frame with his much larger one. I burrowed underneath him, much like my wolf would do with her Alpha, and whimpered. Alcide started a soothing rumbling purr in his chest to soothe me as his big hand cupped my tender tummy. The heat from his hand seeped into my lower abdomen, easing the pains nearly instantly. I sighed in contentment and allowed my wolf to take over. She was content now, she felt safe. Her Alpha was here and was taking care of her. With that thought I drifted off to sleep.

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