chapter four

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We go through the day and nobody makes fun of me; they’re all too busy wondering why Ashton’s hanging out with me.

At the end of the day I offer to drive Ashton home since he walked to school. There’s silence for the few minutes then I turn on the radio. Bruno Mars’ Just the Way You Are starts up and Ashton starts singing along.

“Just the way you are, yeah…” the song ends and he turns to me with a shy smile playing on his lips.

“That was really good! You are an amazing singer” I told him and his smile widens again making my breath get caught in my throat. He is way too good for me. That thought crushes a little part of my heart.

“You really think so? I always thought I was okay but not amazing,” he winks at me. I blush.

“So, where do you live?” I ask, trying to change the subject. It works. He gives me direction and turns out he lives right he lives right next door to me.

                “We should totally carpool!” he says. Then he blushes a little at his outburst. “I mean if that’s cool with you.” He’s so cute but could never like a girl like me.

                “Yeah, that’d be fun,” I say giggling as he leans over and hugs me.

                “Awesome! Hey, do wanna come in?” he asks, pushing his dirty blond hair out of his eyes. “I could really use some help on my math homework.”

                “Oh yeah, of course.” I reply, mentally jumping up and down and squealing like a fan girl.

                We got out of the car and he leads me to his home. He opens the door and holds it like a gentleman.

                “Would you like something to drink?” he asks tossing his bag onto the floor and gesturing for me to do the same.

                “Oh, um, some water would be nice. Thanks.” I say, again stunned at how nice he is being to me.

                “No problem. Just sit in the living room, I’ll bring it to you.” He says disappearing into the kitchen. I nod, even though he can no longer see me, and head to the living room. I very carefully sit on the coach, cautious of ruining anything. There is a picture on the mantel that catches my eye. I get up to look closer. It looks to be a family portrait. I spot Ashton right away, and I guess the two older looking people must be his parents. And then there is a little girl in a wheelchair. His sister’s handicapped? No wonder he is so sweet.

                “That’s my family,” he says behind me and I jump, turning to him. “The picture was taken two months ago for my mom’s birthday. She dragged my dad, Lily and I to a pro photographer to get it taken. We all complained the whole time but we cooperated because it was her birthday. I remember my dad refused to put a tie on unless I did and there was no way I was putting one on. They’re so freakin’ itchy and annoying. Lily laughed at us when mom forced then on.” He chuckles under his breath, remembering.

                “Oh, here’s your water,” he says passing me the glass.


                After that we work on our homework until I get a text from Josh to come home for dinner. Ashton and I exchange goodbyes and I head home.

                All night I wonder how long this friendship will last before I become a mistake to him.

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