Chapter 1

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Hey guys !! Sorry if I start out a little sloppy. School is just about to start and I'm not sure how this is gonna turn out. Please comment what you think and vote !! Thanks loves xoxo
You deserve this. You're the mistake! He screams at me.
He kicked me in the gut as I curled up against the wall, balling my eyes out.
Don't you cry, remember what I
taught you. Crying is for the weak! He snarled.
He was right. I was weak, and I hated myself more and more for it everyday.
It really sucked because no one knew. I was homeschooled and had only two friends. After my mom died, I was left with him.
You're so pathetic, pick yourself up off the floor and take yourself to your room, you're a mistake.
I marched upstairs and slammed the door shut. I plopped myself on my bed and just thought. Why me? I just turned eighteen years old and get abused everyday. He wasn't even my dad. He was my step-dad, even if he deserved that name. His name was Mike, and every time I heard his name I had chills up my spine.
I hated him, but I hated myself even more. I was a mistake and I wish I was never put here on earth. I never get to leave the house.
I'm trapped in this hell hole. It's a daily routine. Every night he comes home drunk as ever, hits me and even tried to kill me some days. I need a break from this for awhile.
I decided that two hours of thinking and putting myself through that torture was enough. I haven't eaten in two days so I sneaked downstairs to my kitchen. Finally the beast had gone to his night shift at work.
I made myself a salad and marched myself back up to my room. I sat in complete silence.
I peeled my clothes off and hopped in the shower. I took down my long brown hair out of my messy bun and washed it. After I got out I slipped on my undergarments and some yoga shorts and a loose plain white t-shirt.
As I brushed my hair out I examined my features. My green eyes filled with sorrow. I was only 5'2". I had a nice body shape.
I don't know why I didn't show it off as much as I should. I have bruises on my stomach from Mike, followed by a stolen lip. I quickly put on chap stick and walked out.
I say in my room on Twitter for awhile and saw Harry's tweet. Harry is my cousin, he moved to England when we were ten. His tweet read "Can't wait to go on tour with my mates!" He's in some nerdy band. I locked my phone and mentally prepared myself for what was about to happen tomorrow night as I fell into a deep sleep.
SORRY IT WAS SO SHORT AND SO BORING ! but trust me it gets better ! Maybe a new chapter this weekend? Until then bye babes !! xx

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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