"Dion, have I told you that you worry too much?" She blinked at me, as she moved her leg so I would stop touching her. A chuckle escaped her, before taking out a glossy lipbalm from her pocket. "Hello!" My eyes widened as Monroe exclaimed to the woman in front of her, who just happened to be the same one that had mumbled under her breath.

The woman didn't respond and raised an eyebrow questionably.

"I'm seeing One Direction again!" She beamed as she put down her lipbalm and pursed her lips before popping them.

"Who?" The woman replied as she curled her lip, giving Monroe a stern look.

"What are you doing?" I leaned to whisper in my best friend's ear. What was she doing? I figured she was doing it on purpose, just so I would lay off and stop trying to control her. But I wasn't doing it on purpose, she gave me no choice! She knew exactly how this attention made me feel, and yet she decided to talk to a stranger; in a packed train, when everyone was quiet, and I was the only one worrying about her actions.

"One Direction!" Monroe shot back to the woman, ignoring my question completely. "The band?"

"I'm sorry..." I muttered apologetically to the lady, before taking hold of Monroe's arms and turning her to face me. "Monroe, you're acting like a loonatic! What are you doing?"

"I can't believe she doesn't know who One Direction are!"

"Stop it, Monroe." I warned her before she pulled back her arms, sighing displeased. "What did I tell you before we left the house?"

As I asked the question, I realised I was talking to her as though she was a small child. But Monroe, was indeed acting as thus and her behaviour gave me no choice but to tell her off.

"To not embarrass myself, blah, blah, blah." She waved her hands around and leaned back in her seat, though her legs were still shaking with the excitement that still flowed inside her.

"Exactly," I smiled nodding in agreement.

"I don't feel embarrassed at all..." She mumbled in a casual tone, "Don't forget to Google who they are!" She leaned forwards as she shouted to the woman who was now getting off, and as she slouched back on the seat she muttered, "stupid woman."

"You're embarrassing me," I forced a smile to the people that were looking at us bizarrely.

"And I already told you that you worry too much," she shook her head and crossed her legs. "Whatever."

And for the rest of the journey, Monroe remained silent, even though she was still radiating excitement through her body. She would randomly smile to herself and laugh silently as she played with a thought in her head; I ignored her knowing that she was already crazy.

Our stop came, and we got off. The weather was still chilly, but the sun was out making a warm breeze blow past us every now and again.

"We're late!" Monroe flailed as she saw that there was no longer a queue outside the venue. "I told you, oh my gosh." Her hands dragged over her face again, as she began cursing under her breath.

"Maybe nobody showed up!" I tried to add humour to the situation, as a way of avoiding the uncomfortable feeling that was building inside my stomach; but Monroe, didn't laugh at all. "Alright, let's go."

As we neared the entrance, Monroe began hyperventilating again. Her eyes were wide awake as music began flaring through the walls, even though it was still faint. But as we got near a security guard, a thought occured to me; how were we supposed to get inside? Zayn hadn't given us any tickets, we literally just came here counting solemnly on his words.

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