Chapter 6!~

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::Soup Locker::
--Potion Making--
//Song Writing\\

The way you move is like a full-on rainstorm
And I'm a house of cards
You're the kind of reckless
That should send me runnin'
But I kinda know that I won't get far
And you stood there in front of me
Just close enough to touch
Close enough to hope you couldn't see
What I was thinking of

Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile
Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down
Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile

My mind forgets to remind me
You're a bad idea
You touch me once and it's really something,
You find I'm even better than you imagined I would be.
I'm on my guard for the rest of the world
But with you I know it's no good
And I could wait patiently but I really wish you would...

Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile
Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down
Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile

I'll run my fingers through your hair and watch the lights go wild.
Just keep on keeping your eyes on me, it's just wrong enough to make it feel right.
And lead me up the staircase
Won't you whisper soft and slow?
I'm captivated by you, baby, like a firework show.

Drop everything now,
Meet me in the pouring rain,
Kiss me on the sidewalk,
Take away the pain
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile.
Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down
Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile

And the sparks fly...
Oh, baby, smile...
And the sparks--

I woke, my mother was singing a song to wake me up
Mother: Oh, your awake that was the first song I sang when I was 3
Me: Cool, u were just three years old
Mother: Yeah, I know, now go take bath..
Me: Ok..
She got out of the room the large bed I have( bigger than a king size bed ) wasn't any changes I grabbed my journal out of my purple pillow and grabbed a pen

'Dear, Journal:

I just learned that Akairys can sing just when their 3 or 2, Every Akairy has a gift mostly from talking deeply like a Libra, and dancing swiftly and elegant like a flower that blossoms, and emotional feeling like the moon, laterz J gotta take a bath!~

I went to the huge restroom of mine and took a bath, after that I dressed up did my girl stuff and packed my things for school I went to elevator cuz I was too lazy to run downstairs, I reached the floor I was suppose to go to and there I was eating breakfast I grabbed the milk and poured it on the bowl where the cereal was.. I ate it gently and quietly with my purple wireless headphones on, I looked at my Apple watch and played with it while eating, after I ate I went to my dorm in school/ after going there \
I went in Kris was glaring at me..
Me: What?
Kris: I asked your friend Krif she saw u bought food yesterday.. Where is it? Am hungry
Me: I ate it.
Kris: WhAt?!?!?!
Lila: And I saw u at the school again yesterday why were u at school again?
Me: I forgot something... Why are u both so curious about me, Kris mind ur own food, Lila mind ur own beeswax!, and I am non of u two's business! Ok! I got my other things at the dorm and asked the principal if I can go to another dorm..

Lila's POV

Me: She's never been so mad like that?, Kris we need to end this and find out what's going on! Ok now with me?
Kris: With u, dude!
Me: Ok, so what are we gonna do?
Kris: Put these on..
Me: Jumpsuits?
Kris: Yeah!
Me: I don't feel comfortable..
Kris: Fine.. Let's put our normal clothes on..
As we put on black clothing on and spied on Alie she was on the dorm 210 she was alone and it was dark inside..

Back To My POV!

I was in the dark in my dorm watching 'The Notebook' while eating the Avocado I made 'The Notebook' was our school thing I was watching while reading I used my powers to glow and see the story if there's some changes
I felt some stalking me I quietly opened the door a bit and opened it widely I saw Kris and Lila..
Me: What r u doing?
Kris&Lila: I-It was her idea!
As they pointed at each other and sweated anxiously and as they stepped backwards and ran away, I knew they were trying to know me better and my secret even Mrs&Mr Kirishima doesn't know I'm a Rem and unknown, nobody should except for me, my parents does not know, and I'm every creature everyone thinks am a Nymph that's all, I stood there while the movie was on pause, Ryan came.. And he stepped backwards to me..
Ryan: I thought u were supposed to be with Lila and Kris
I just slammed the door and talked to myself in my language
Ano bayan, bakit ito! (She's from Philippines like me if u r from another country skip this part it's just her complaining0-0)
I opened the lights and I fixed my stuff and got my stuff and went to my locker, in my locker I saw a mirror and I saw Kris she opened her locker and got soup :() what the hell,she makes soup inside her locker!, what the hell, I mean what the hell man, what the hell those are three words for u!, have u seen a person do that!
(Soup locker checko)
I went to the next period Science was it we were suppose to make a HEALING BEAST POTION!! Wait I check my tiny calendar at my notebook and it was circled (Sep. 23, 2015 Prom night)=Date! Nope, I'm paying for single in the prom.. And oh the beast day& prom is oh ok, the beast... Day&prom are together first is prom after the beast day ok I get it now..
Ms. Wari: And we're making this for The Beast Day, where u can make the wild beasts to be tamed, Goodluck boys!~
Man, what is Principal Madelyn TRYING to do to Star Academy! I mean she owns a school as big as a village and she's making this crazy AND awesome she's like my type! We made the potion perfectly we put our names and passed it.. Easy
/////Potion Making Uh-sh-done\\\\

Now, it's music yay!
Mrs. Kiyuki: Now girls will only do this song write girls and boys shut ur mouth and I will teach u how to play the piano!

As we started I felt dizzy and wrote random things to end it

'Finding A Way Out Of The Clock'

Why Do I Have No friends, Filled with loneliness never with anybody thoughts are always filled with misery&pain, above the atmosphere there was me no gravity in mind, never speak, never want those little pity things, but when am' alone, always gonna cry, never happy,never feelin' joy, I wanna break free, I wanna flee out of misery and pain, everything was gray in my thoughts, loneliness is taking me, I'm turning crazy, bring me to the hospital, like am in a black and white nightmare, tell me I'm still normal, where's the way out of this dream!


Where am I, Who am I, Am I dead, It feels like I'm in reality, no harmony, no sound on the world, I'm trapped in a tiny dream, help me, I'm tied every of me and family gathered me on laughing, crying, happy, crazy, snow flee from the sky, no wonder where I go everybody follows me, no am not greedy, not selfish, no not stupid, no I'm just stuck!, stop asking me such questions like that, of me, a giant clock was following me, emotions were away from, I was running and everyone was telling me to go to the right, China to Outer space the clock was still there, I was everywhere black and white I lost everything and suddenly clock tick tocks!

(A/N: Awww, I messed up the song! Stupid anywho I tried my best on writing that am not much of a song writer I'm much of a Dancer who dances through music and forgive me if it sucks, but, I hope I get to increase my writing songs skills and Mathematics skills back to the story just skip this if it's weird and boring this A/N part)

Mrs. Kiyuki: Times Up!
Me: Hah!, I mean here..??
I woke up and held it to Mrs. Kiyuki I hope it doesn't suck butts, man.. I was writing while sleeping

--::Song writing ah check duh::--

I hope the boys enjoyed piano lessons and with my fav strict teacher Mrs. Kiyuki there with them.. Hehe
I went to the buss stop and went in the buss and went home did my usual things

A/N: I'm sorry the song sucks but the next chap is gonna be with the sucky song I wrote, hope u enjoyed DJ OFF!!!

Before I Became Like This2!!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن