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The video above is part 6 which was just finished recording. Some of the audio got a little loud, so you might have to listen a little to hear Prankster's jokes when he's fighting Necromorphs.. but mostly when he's fighting he's saying stuff like, "EWW EWW EWW EWW!!" and "NO KISSES FOR YOU!!! EWWW HE'S SLOBBERING INTO MY MOUTH!! AAAGGGGGHHH!! RAPE!! RAPE!! I CALL RAPE!!!!"

"Welcome To the Sprawl.. please remember, always put your trash in the recycling modules on your way out!" said a pleasant woman's voice as Mikoto and Sinon both unboarded the shuttle.

They shuttle opened off into an airlocked docking area where the entire wall on the back of the station was comprised of glass, showing the rest of the station and space outside.

Outside of the giant glass wall.. a massive sprawl of buildings could be seen spread out over a torn apart moon near Saturn in the back ground.

"The environment specs are amazing." said Sinon with amazement as she looked at the place outside.

Mikoto could guess that this must be some sort of waiting room for those wishing to take the quest, as there were a number of players here.

The room, besides the window, was the basic metal and techy looking environment with a single door at the center of the inner wall. The door had a holographic circle floating in front of it, which would show the word "loading" whenever one decided to open it, before sliding open and allowing one through.

"Looks like even with our early rise, we're competing with a bunch of them." said Mikoto. "We've better hurry... Sinon? Hey.. Sinon what's wrong..?"

Sinon had stopped for a minute.

"Sinon.. we don't have to do this you know." said Mikoto. "Horror Games in VR settings are probably extremely unhealthy. "

"N-no.. I'm fine." said Sinon, holding a thumbs up. "Now lets do this.."

Sinon and Mikoto were about to go through the large door, when suddenly they were intercepted by a couple of strange looking players.

They had colored their armor a tie die color, while their goggles were also rainbow shaded. One of them had a colorful headband with a peace sign on it.

"Duuuuude!" said the one with a headband in English. "You exploring the Sprawl too?"

"Ummm." said Mikoto, switching languages immediately. "Yeah, we are."

"Gnarly man." said the second player. "Your English is fly.. me and my bro here decided to transfer to the Japanese server cause we thought it would be like.. totally visiting Japan.. without like, actually leaving our houses! So.. yeah. I'm Jerry, and my bud here is Wetballz.."

"Hellz yeah!" said Wetballz.

"So.. the rumors of Americans choosing disgusting usernames as a joke is true.." Sinon muttered into Mikoto's ear.

"Though you CAN call him Wally." said Jerry. "Our usernames are like.. totally not a big deal. What we really dig is getting into games that have an amazing amount of body parts flying around.."

"Heh.. so you're going for the rare items too aren't you?" Dyne had walked over, grinning at Sinon and Mikoto.

"Hey Dyne." said Sinon. "Haven't seen you since the last BoB. You don't seem like the sniper type though."

"Hey, thought if I got the rare gun, I'd give it a try." said Dyne. "By the way, to intensify the game, I hear they've made it so that there's no save points in the environments."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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