Up, Up and away!

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I reached the airport and queued up to load my baggage. I then took my ticket and entered the plane. I'm terribly scared of heights, you know? But I will do whatever it takes to go to Alfea! It took 8 hours just to reach to Gardenia. I was terrified!

As soon as the plane landed, I jumped off my seat and rejoiced. I went to pick my baggage and left the airport. I sat on a bench and took out the document. I read the address carefully. "Gardenia Street 31 The Alley Block 56" I read out loud.

I then hailed a taxi. "Can you take me to this address?", I asked the taxi driver, showing him the document. The taxi driver shifted his glasses and widened his eyes. "Nobody goes there anymore, mam", the taxi driver said, looking suprised. "It's an alley where a lot of crimes happen!"

"I don't care. Just bring me there", I replied defiantly.

"Alright, whatever you want".

The taxi driver then turned the steering wheel and drove me to the alley. I paid him and he drove off.

I stood there and nobody came. I wondered whether this was just a mean trick or something. By the time I reached here, a day had just gone past. It was in the morning and I had not slept a wink. Since nothing was happening, I decided to leave the alley. So much for taking the plane to Gardenia. I'm leaving.

Suddenly, I remembered the document. I took it out and read the instructions again. When I took it out, a key just appeared out of nowhere. Like it literally came out of the document. I stared at it in astonishment. I caught hold of the key before it could drop onto the floor.

I look at the walls around me and noticed a keyhole on the right wall. There wasn't any doors, and I was a bit confused. I slotted the key into the keyhole and turned it clockwise. I took out the key. Nothing happened. I was disappointed. I was about to leave when I noticed bright white light appearing behind me. The light started shining through the key hole and bit by bit, the light became brighter and brighter until the light blinded me. "Magic!" I cried.

At last, the light dimmed. I turned around and saw a door, shining with bright light, but not so bright. The door was opened and a circle was in the middle of the light. I was in a deep state of shock. I shook my head to bring me back to reality. I stared at the light and realised it was a portal. I stuck in my hand ...

Read the next chapter to find out what happened to me!

Believe in fairies!

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