Chapter 1. introductions

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As she picked up her second glass of wine, Lily walked to the window and separated the blinds, it was still raining, and it didn't look like it was stopping anytime soon. As she was becoming lost in the sound rain hitting the window her phone rang. "Hello"? She said, in an almost quizzical voice, on a count of the ringing phone had frightened her a bit.

"Girl, you gotta get down to the club, we're having a blast, and we miss you." It was her friend Marcy.

"No, I'm at home, I've got wine, and I've got a new book, I want to finally read it, maybe some other time." Lily rolled her eyes a little at this statement, she wanted to go out, but her with current situation she couldn't afford to. "but hey I love you guys and miss you like crazy, you're more than welcome to stop by anytime, except for tonight when you leave the club, I'll be sleeping."

"Kay", you could hear the music thumping rhythmically in the background "but next time we go, you are going, no ifs ands or buts. Got it?" you could hear that Marcy was trying to sound stern, but the Alcohol had started to take over and her words were starting to slur together.

"Alright, deal, now I'm going back to my book, and I'll let you get back to dancing; love you girl."

"Love you too girl, next time we're gonna have sooo much fun, just you see." As Lily hung up the phone you could hear the club's DJ say something and everyone screamed. She smiled, it's not that she didn't want to go out with her friends, she just couldn't afford it, and since the divorce, she hasn't been much for going out.

"Dammit, Marcy is right, next time they go out, I should too, no use in sitting around here licking my wounds, and so what if I can't afford it, I'm fucking gorgeous, men will be lining up to buy me my drinks." And with that, Lily finished her wine in one large gulp, looked at her dog, Harley and picked her up. "Let's go to bed, we have another day tomorrow" Harley licked her face in agreement.

The next morning came with warm sunlight shining on her face, and Harley snoring like a man.

"You know dog if I didn't know any better I'd say you were my father." Lily let out a small chuckle. She slipped out of bed, put her slippers on and headed to the kitchen to make Harley and herself some breakfast. Harley wouldn't wake up until breakfast was almost done, but still Lily was happy to have company. It was the only good thing her ex had done for her. Harley was a French bulldog, with black and white fur, and the deepest brown eyes anyone has ever seen, she was around three years old, and Lily swore that this dog was a lot smarter than people thought she was.

As she cooked breakfast her phone rang, it was Marcy. "Hey what's up? I didn't think I was going to hear from you this early."

"Well I went home with someone, and now I'm stuck doing the walk of shame in club gear down the strip can you come pick me up I'm W. Reno Ln., and Las Vegas Blvd, Please I love you."

"Jesus, Marcy, Why would you go home with someone they could've raped you."

"Doubt it; doesn't it have to be against someone's will for it to be rape?" Marcy giggled at this,

"Shut up, someone could have killed you, how do you know that the guy you left with wasn't some kind of psycho?"

"I'm fine aren't I? A little hung over sure, but I'm okay, so are you going to pick me up or am I going to have to call a cab?"

"I'll pick you up, give me like 10 minutes, I'm just finishing up making breakfast, and Harley is already up, she knows she's getting some."

"You have that dog spoiled, and as my best friend you have me spoiled what would I do without you mama?"

"You'd probably be buried somewhere on the coast by now." Lily had a smile on her face as she said this, and made her dog a plate of scrambled egg whites and turkey sausage.

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