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Yes, the only word to describe the Varia's most popular couple - Odd.

How it all started? It was Belphegor's idea to court the frog on his Birthday.

No, the Prince did not buy much of a gift or throw a party. Instead, he made a mountain of corpse outside the Varia mansion which stank. It could be smelled from miles away, the rotting flesh of dead man. The illusionist had awakened with a rude shock when he saw a dead man hanging from his ceiling with the words "Happy Birthday Frog!" carved on the back of the poor victim.

No, it wasn't the best start of Bel's eccentric courtship. Then again, Fran had weird tastes. He told Bel to get him Poison Ivy if he wanted to propose and the Prince being a Price had gotten the entire guardian filled with Poison Ivys.

Ever since the dating of the two weirdoes, the Varia had been in chaos. Not even the Boss or the Captain dared interfere. Bel would randomly kiss Fran and stab him in a hallway and Fran would often make a rude remark before shoving a gift of sorts in the Prince's face.

Once they even had a petty lover's squabble about Lussuria's hair colour that they both took turns dyeing it. Lussuria had ended up with a red pineapple styled Mohawk which he cried for days till Squalo sent him on a mission.

Then again, after a few years of dating, the Odd couple had finally learnt how to love normally.

It was Fran's 18th Birthday and the day to officially mark Fran as the Varia's Mist Guardian. Bel had organized a normal party inviting even the Vongola Decimo. It took off really well with the exception of a few casualties due to Xanxus's rage.

Then at night, Bel revealed a present wrapped nicely for Fran. Fran was puzzled as to why the Prince was so nice. He opened it and it revealed a box. Opening the box, Fran gasped. In the box was a figurine of a Frog wearing a Tiara.

"Like it?" Bel grinned. "The Prince carved it personally for his Princess."

Fran hugged Bel tightly. "It's lovely sempai! I love you."

"Ushishi~ so do I..."

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