Chapter 1

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Yo guys, this will be in my POV until pasta or myself want it in hers or 3rd person. So yeah. Hope you enjoy it.



'My god. I'm finally here,' I think as I stick my headphones in.

Japan, the country where my favourite thing in the whole wide world - apart from brownies - was created.


The one thing that I love more than the colour red. And that's saying something.

I start skipping, humming and nodding my head to the beat of the music. The sights, the smells, the sound - I can't hear it now but it must be fascinating. I grin, thinking of the things I could do. I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice -

{*SMACK!!*} "oof!" "Ow!" I fell flat on my back, the stranger I bumped into falling onto their butt. I scramble into a sitting position,

"My god! I am so sorry!" I panic. What if they sue me? What if they try to hit me? What if they hit on me? MY GOD I AM FREAKING OUT -

"It's okay..." Oh thank god...wait...

" speak English?" I raise an eyebrow. "Well, yeah," they - she, by the sound of it - groan, and stand up.

Woah. Distinct British accent. MY GOD IF THIS CHICK IS A POME -

"You okay?" Okay not a Pome. I jump to my feet and grin. "Never better bro," I give a thumbs up. I look her up and down - well, just down, since I'm almost 6"0 and she looks barely 5"5. She had tan skin, like mine, and her eyes were huge. Not like normal but a little big, but loli shota anime HUGE. And they were a dark brown, almost black. She was skinny, and she was a mix between black and Asian. I'm going to call it Blasian.

((A/N: that's what she called herself. I shit you not, you can even go ask her and she will tell you she called herself Blasian. Then she said that it would have to be a specific Asian, so she's black and Pakistani. I don't own that term.))

She had black, almost Afro like hair, and from her demeanour, she looked - and acted - like Rue from the Hunger Games.

"So," I started, "where ya headin?" She looked at me weirdly before grinning back, "since you seem awesome, I'm heading to the new Anime convention." My eyes widened,

"HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE YOU'RE GOING TOO!? SAME!!" I yelled, flailing my arms. She laughed at my antics,

"Wanna go together? I have an Admin's pass." She showed me her pass and my grin grew wider, "you're an Admin? Same." I showed her mine, and her face turned to one of shock,

"YOU'RE NYAN-SORCEROR!?" She basically screamed. I nodded my head and took a closer look at her pass.

Pass: Admin

Name/Alias: Ally

Fandom: Hetalia

Website: Wattpad

Username: pineapplepasta


"HOLY FUDGE!! ALLYYYYYYYYYYY!!" I scooped her up and spun her around, as if she was a long lost friend. Mostly because she was my friend.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S YOU!!" She screeched, hugging me back. I plopped her down on the ground and put my hands on my hips.

"Dude, you have no idea how long I waited to meet you in real life!" "Me neither!" I suddenly smirked,

"You on Hetalia fandom section for Wattpad?" "Yeah, why?" " wanna go together?" "HELL YES!" And with that we skipped there, goofing off and laughing all the way.


Okay, I didn't do much to this because I'm trying to leave as much of it as it was. See you in the next chapter guys~


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