"WHAT!? You ARE kidding right!? Please tell me you ARE kidding!" 

"Uh. I'm kidding?" I said questioningly

"Oh. Thank god. I thought you telling the truth"she said in relief

"I am"

"The why did you say you were kidding!?" she shouted

"Well you told me too!" I said defending myself

"Uhg! Whatever lets just go inside"

I rang the door bell and was greeted by a smiling Louis.

Louis' P.O.V

"Hey, lads can I talk to for a sec?" I asked leading them to the living room

"Okay. There are girls that I invited to come over in about 10mns. One of them is Paris, the one I met yesterday, and her friend , I don't know her name but they 're both best friends, so I'm hopping you guys to be nice to them" I said


"No problem Boo Bear"


"Yeah, okay"

I heard the door bell ring causing me to jump. I walked over the window to see who it was. It was Paris and her friend. I smiled and opened the door.

"Hey, Louis" Paris said

"Hey, wanna come inside?"

"Oh. No Lou they just wanna freeze to death outside" Harry said sarcastically, making Paris and her friend giggle, while I just rolled my eyes and letting them in.

"These are my mates Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Niall" I said, pointing to each of them

"Hi, I'm Paris and this is my best friend Annabelle" she explained

"Hey, Paris and Annabelle" they said in sync, making the girls giggle. After what felt like forver of awkwardness Zayn finall asked

"Wanna play 'Sing It'?" Zayn asked


We entered the living room. I sat down next to Paris, Annabelle was next to her and Harry was next to Annabelle while the others at on the floor.

"Who wants to go first?" Liam asked

"I can go first" Niall said raising his hand. He sang 'So Sick of Love Songs' and pointed at Zayn to be next. I wasn't actually listening until Harry nudged me, telling me it's my turn. I sang 'Beautiful Good Bye'.

'Beautiful goodbye (bye-bye, bye-bye)

It's dripping from your eyes (bye-bye, bye-bye)

Your beautiful goodbye (bye-bye, bye-bye)

It's dripping from your eyes (bye-bye, bye-bye)

Oh yeah'

I was at the chorus until Paris' phone  rang. I continued singing

Paris' P.O.V

I looked at the caller I.D. It's 'Blaine' I mouthed to Annabelle. She nodded and continued listening to Louis sing.

"Hey, Blaine" I said

"Hey, babe can you please pick me up from the bar?" He asked

"Uhm... I'm actually hanging with my friends right now" I said nervously

"Oh. So now your friends are more important than you boyfriend!?" he exclaimed

"Uh... N-No. I c-can p-pick you u-up" I stutter and hanging up

I walked back to the room and grabbed my bag. "Uh, hey guys I need to go now"

"what!? Why!?" Annabelle exclaimed

"Yeah. Why?" Harry agreed

"I need to pick up Blaine, my boyfriend" I explained

"Ugh. That bastard again!? why are you still dating him Paris!? You know you deserve better!" Annabelle said

"Annabelle! That is rude" I scolded her

"But it's true!" She said defending herself

"Whatever. Bye guys! Nice meeting you!" called out, walking out to my car and drove off to pick up Blaine.



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