School Starts

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I still freaked out. Then i reilized this is going to happen a lot, but still i wondered why did it call me a teenage vampire? Im so confused AGAIN! I just left and went to class. Whatever.

In history i wondered why did the neclace call me a vampire? Sure im pale, but i dont burn in the sun.

I ponderd that question all day. Then school was finally over. When i saw Elen I told her about everything i updated her.

" That is so strange," she said

I know I just don't know what to do. I don't know why it called me a teenage vampire."

When i got home i told my mom about everything. She had a worried look in her eyes.

" They caught up" she said

"What do you mean mom?"

"Sweetie, you are teenage vampire your dad was all human and I am a vampire.

Why do you think that i ask you to go shopping and I never go outside. And when i do i have an umbrella."

The Vampire WithinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang