Chapter 3: Bitch please I'm Bryan F**king Stars.

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Johnnie's POV: When I got back to the room Kyle was sitting on his bed facing away from the door, I was assuming that he was listening to music because he didn't hear me come in. So I decided to go up behind him and warp my arms around his waist. He jumped making me laugh. "Surprise!" I laughed. "Don't scare me like that!" Kyle said, he kissed me and asked me how my therapy sessions went. "Well, Dr. Biersack is a complete an udder asshole." Kyle laughed at this. "Yeah he is Vic hates him too." "Why?" I asked. "I'll have him tell you later." He said. "What therapist did you have next?" He questioned. "Jackie, I mean...Dr. Vincent. I really liked him I chose him to be my therapist." Kyle nodded, "Yeah when I did my rotation I like Jackie too, but Kellin seemed to get me more." I nodded. "So what did you think of Kellin?" "He seemed okay, but he just didn't bring up things like Jackie did, Jackie, it's like his thoughts are always one step ahead of mine, like I'll answer a question he asked me and he'll say do you feel that way because of this and he'll be right. You know what I mean?" Kyle nodded, "Yeah dawg, that's what it's like for me with Kellin." I nodded. We both sat on Kyle's bed for awhile listening to music, then we heard a heard a familiar voice say, "Bitch please, I'm Bryan - Fucking - Stars." Kyle and I turned to each other with smiles on our faces.

Bryan's POV: Damon, Jordan and myself decided to go to the hospital today to see Johnnie and Kyle. When we got there we asked the nurse lady thing, at the front desk, if we could go to there rooms to see them and she said, "No, no visitors are allowed on Sundays come back tomorrow!" She was very bitchy. Damon then, very calmly actually tried telling the lady that because we're all famous YouTubers with adoring fans, we're on warped tour and there for wont be here tomorrow. But she still didn't get it, Jordan even asked her if we could at least video chat them or call them tomorrow...the bitch still didn't get it. "Look I don't know who you people think you are, but I can guarantee that you are not that important that you can't wait until tomorrow to see them." That's when I flipped. "Do you know who I am?" I asked her. She gave me a confused look. "Do you know who I am!?" I asked her with a littler more force this time. "Oh god." Damon and Jordan said, they knew what was coming. "No who are you?" She snapped back. "Bitch please I'm Bryan-fucking-Stars and you ain't got nothing  on me!" I yelled. The lady sat the front desk in shock. I then noticed a male nurse looking at us trying to hold back a laugh. "I take it you're here to see Johnnie and Kyle?" He asked. "Yeah and who are you? Are you gunna give me trouble to because in case you didn't know already I'm Bryan- fucking -Stars." He laughed again. "No I'm not going to give you trouble and I did hear your little sh-peal about who you are, that's how I knew you where Johnnie and Kyle's friends. I'm there nurse, Vic." He said. I shook his hand and he said, "Follow me I'll take you to there room." The three of us followed him down a long hallway and stopped in the middle of it. Vic knocked on the door and Kyle opened it with Johnnie by his side. "I thought I heard someone say and I quote, "Bitch please I'm Bryan fucking Stars."" Johnnie said giving me a hug. Kyle hugged me then the two of them hugged Jordan and Damon. "How many days left of warped?" "101." Damon said. "Why?" Jordan asked. Johnnie and Kyle looked at each other. "Because we wanna get out of here before warped ends." They said in unison.  We all nodded. Johnnie and Kyle both love warped tour so I can see why they wanted to get out of here. "Oh thanks guys, love you to." Vic said jokingly. "Oh Vic we didn't mean it like that." Kyle said Johnnie and Kyle smiled and hugged him. "No I get it, honestly I hope you guys do get out of here, there are some people who need to be in here and others that don't and you guys don't. You're not crazy, you guys just need an outlet, and once you find it I'm sure Kellin and Jackie will let you both go." Vic said. His pager went off. "Oh shit I gotta go, can you guys find your way back on your own?" Vic asked us. We nodded and with that he said goodbye to Kyle and Johnnie and left. "So Vic's your nurse?" I asked. "Yeah, he's awesome." Kyle said. Johnnie's eyes locked with mine and he gave me a sad smile. "I'm sorry  Bryan." He whispered. No one else heard it but me. I smiled back, "You did what you needed too." I whispered back. "So Kyle what's the deal hear?" Jordan asked. "Well you get therapy and pills twice a day, one set of pills you get after breakfast the other before dinner. And then therapy in the morning and then later at night." He said. Just then there was a knock on the door. Johnnie went over and answered it. "Kyle," He said. "It's Kellin." "Oh I gotta go to my therapist for the second time today, bye guys." Kyle said. He got up from the spot on the bed where he was and hugged all of us before heading to therapy. We stayed and talked to Johnnie some more before his therapist, Jackie, came and took him as well. As we where leaving I decided to screw with the lady at the front desk. "Who am I?" I asked her smirking. "Bryan-fucking- Stars." She mumbled. Damon, Jordan, and I laughed. "That's right and don't you forget it." I said, I winked at her and smiled as the three of us left the hospital.    

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