The Journey

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Wendy sat up in bed and looked around. Then flopped back and sighed. After a few minutes she swung her legs out of the covers and got up. She ran a hand through her hair and quickly got dressed. Today her brothers were coming home from boarding school for the holiday and her and her mother were going to meet them at the train station. she fixed her hat gently and looked in the mirror to straiten a few fly-a-ways. Finally satisfied she glances once more and saw her reflection ripple and show what she remembered to be part of Neverland. She stepped back blinked and looked again. All she could see was her reflection but she could swear she had seen the pixie tree. She touched the mirror and all that remained were warm fingerprints, which soon faded away as the April air hit them. She turned maybe it had been her imagination after all. She took a breathe and walked out pulling on her gloves and closing the door behind her. She glanced back once then shuddered and went to meet her mother.
She yawned and shivered for some reason the cold made her tiered. The station was sheltered somewhat from the elements however no matter how enclosed it was nothing could make this ginormous station feel warm, not even the masses of people waiting for the train. It seamed the whole world was waiting for their children to come home Loughborough was not a large town but it sure wasn't small either. Her brothers went there to a charter school for boys where they stayed most year round except on holidays when they came home. After a few minutes of waiting the train finally came into view around the corner. The whistle blew. The people waved. The train hurriedly screeched to a stop. The whole mentality of the train station was hurry up and make the transition because we have places to be people! She watched as the staff herded and pushed the passengers through the doors. Wendy searched the crowd for any sight of her brothers. Then she saw them a little off to the right and jumped up and down and waved trying to get their attention.
John looked up and made eye contact then grinned at her and started forward pushing his way through and pulling Michael behind him.
John had grown into a slightly nerdy not totally unattractive sweet kind of guy, not too bad for a charter school. Michael scowled at him as he was caught between a ladies large rump and an officers bag. He tripped over one and almost ran into the other finally pulling himself, slightly panting, to a halt realizing how much of a ninja he was, dodging through behind his older brother. He shook John off him and crossed his arms not ready to admit he had missed his family.
Wendy smiled at the two and embraced John and kissed his cheek gently.
"Hey how have you been?" He asked
Wendy smiled "alright I suppose, we've been getting by." She replied glancing over to see Michael pushing their mother off giving her a disapproving look and the hand which didn't keep her away. He struggled against her but to no avail a mother's love cannot be ignored. Wendy and John giggled and turned back.
"It's been too long" she smiled sadly.
He grinned and adjusted his glasses "yeah but we can make up for lost time soon, came on is father back at the house?" John questioned.
"Yeah he was getting things ready, things have changed since you last saw them. We changed the window boxes twice and we changed the fold of the towels oh and you'll never believe where the sugar is kept!" She sarcastically commented.
"He laughed slightly, it's nice to be home" he took a deep breathe and helped her into the transport.
Michael sighed and leaned his head against the carriage side gazing out the side Of the window his eye lids seemed slightly heavy and he yawned.
Wendy smiled and looked over to John and shook her head a smile on her face. Holiday is so nice she thought.
She gazed out the window as well and let out a slight cry if surprise as they hit a particularly large bump and had plastered her arms across the Carriage trying to stop herself from lurching from her seat. John yelped slightly to from the shock of being slammed in the chest with a flailing arm more so than the force of the bump. Michael snapped to attention and a sour countenance seemed to come over him as if the bump had ruined his whole day.
"Well what fish is under your nose?" Wendy leaned forward slightly.
Michael ignored her and co to used to look out the window then his whole composure changed and he knelt to get a better view out the window.
"What is it Michael?" She asked.
He had a wild look in his eye and glanced back to John and then over to Wendy "I-I saw neverland..." He stuttered.
"Neverland?" She was shocked could it be real that was twice in one day that it had been seen. Perhaps this was real...but if it was how would they get to it? It only appeared for a few seconds...perhaps she should wait to say anything until they were sure they had both seen it.
John laughed "your an idiot we can't ever go back to Neverland!"
"John!" Wendy swatted his shoulder.
Michael scowled and turned back to the window hoping to see it again. "You just don't believe..."
Mother raised her eyebrows and adjusted her hat, her face strait "John...we don't use that word it nor nice especially around your brother...Michael would you care to explain your findings?"
Michael rolled his eyes "just's not important..."
John clenched his jaw and stared at Michael for a moment then made a point of examining his book. If looks could kill he'd have been close to dead.
Wendy looked down trying to hide her smile.
The rest of the journey was passed in silence and finally the grande country manor came into view everyone's spirits seemed to rise. It was nice to be home again. Michael bounded out and John stepped after him and to a deep breathe of fresh air. Wendy stepped out after watching her step on the stones finally their mother stepped out and made her way to the front "just make sure your back by dinner now...go have fun" she smiled and walked inside. Wendy followed her and got changed from her dress to something more simple and plain then walked outside and down to the creek she climbed one of the trees and laid there glad no one was around to judge her. No performance, no lady-like activities, no constricting dresses. She closed her eyes she could almost fall asleep it was all so perfect. She was almost asleep when something tickled her nose and she wrinkled it opening her eyes to see a butterfly on her nose she looked up at it and realized it was not a butterfly but a fairy. She put her finger out for it to land on and sat up. It flew over and landed sitting on her finger and looked up at her. She stared at it for a moment could this really be happening? Could this really be a fairy?
She smiled "hello."
At that moment John walked over looking around and behind him as if he were being followed then came to her tree and looked up "Whiny I think I just saw Neverland..." He swallowed.
She smirked "oh and I thought that was impossible and idiotic I'm sure it's jut your imagination" she laughed slightly.
"Whiny I'm serious...I don't know what's happening but I saw and Michael saw be willing to bet you did to...what if...what if we an actually go back..." He looked up.
"Without Peter?" She glanced down to her finger and the fairy was gone so she dropped her hand.
"Maybe-" "-Impossible.-" "-Maybe not-" "-your crazy"
Wendy but her lip and then glanced to the creek and then the ground "get out of the way I'm going to come down."
He nodded and stepped back turning around as she climbed down and jumped to the ground "you can turn around now."
He turned around and looked at the fairy upon her shoulder "see I told you!" He went over and put his finger out for it to sit on.
She batted his hand away "and what if we would we know and how would we get back?" She asked.
"Oh come on you and I both know we'd find a way" he answered
"And what about Michael? What would we do with him? We can't leave him behind..." Wendy stared at him.
He as silent as if not wanting to say he thought just that.
"John!" She swatted his shoulder again and he smirked slightly "what!?" He laughed slightly "we can't leave him here!" She responded "he'd be devastated!"
"I would bet you a half crown that he doesn't remember the half of it maybe a memory here and there but I doubt he really remembers it like you and i do whiny" he became more serious.
She thought for a moment well look for it on or own but if we find a way we're taking him with us..." She concluded. "Deal?"
He sighed ""
She smiled "great then lets see what she knows" she looked over her shoulder to the fairy resting there.
He nodded "yeah good idea"

Not finished yet!

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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Second Star On the Right and Strait On Till MorningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora