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So here I am, late for work. I find myself once again being scolded by Captain Kuchiki, for my 'lack of dedication' and whatever nonsense he's spouting this time.

I'm already thinking about what I'm going to have for lunch... Maybe I could have lunch with Dad today. That's if he's not with Captain Kyoraku...

Not that there's anything wrong with him, I love him! He's like my uncle! My rather creepy uncle that flirts with women that are a hell of a lot younger than him.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by my chin being lifted forcing me to look my Captain in the eyes.

I wasn't listening to a word he was saying so he's probably really annoyed... Well done Satomi.

"I'm so sorry Captain Ku-" wait a minute, what the hell just happened?

My Captain, the guys who has a stick up his ass, that has a stick up it's ass, just touch me. Not in a weird way, but still.

He was a lot closer than I thought.

"You weren't listening to me" he said plainly.

If I didn't know better, I'd say he sounded sort of hurt.

"I was thinking about lunch..." I confess.

He turned, went to his desk and sat down at his seat as he asked me, "Why is it you wish to learn Bankai?"

I've asked him at least a hundred times since I've been his Lieutenant so I guess I seem kind of desperate.

I'm not, I just want to be stronger.

"I want to learn how to do Bankai so I can be stronger. I want to be able to protect people instead of the one being protected. I don't want any more people getting hurt trying to help me." I explain. I feel myself welling up as the memories of that day still haunt me.

Kuchiki stares at me, I stare back. I felt as if he understood what I was feeling at that point. He didn't seem so inhuman anymore. Strange.

"You're duties for today are to introduce the graduates from the Soul Academy to the squad, give them a basic tutorial, and begin training." He said, now back to his usual self.

"Yes Captain" I bow and go to leave.

Well... That was a strange experience. Captain Kuchiki isn't a robot after all!

There's no time to waste, I can already hear the chatting of dozens of newbies, and I've already been in trouble once today.

The squad six training ground is where I'm meeting the new comers. I attempt to get their attention, but fail miserably.

Rather annoyed to be ignored by all these people. Now I know why Kuchiki hates taking to me...

I take a chair to stand on, and with all my might I shout, "HEY!"

The room quickly quiets down and all eyes are on me.

"Thank you!" I say, still a tad annoyed. "I am Lieutenant Satomi Yoshida. We will start today with a tour of the barracks, followed by a quick run down of how we work, rules, duties, etcetera." I notice that they look stupidly exited, we're all like that when we first graduate I guess. "After lunch you will report back here at exactly 2:00pm for training. If you want to see what happens when you're late, be my guest. Any questions?"

For a moment the room stayed silent, but then... "Show us your tits!"

Douche bag alert!

A few male soul reapers that were no doubt the 'cronies' of the idiot, were laughing and patting him on the back.

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