Chapter 2

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Ross's Pov
I saw Laura in Rikers room, thank god there's nobody near her, but she did have a hard time getting up wonder what that's about
Ross: laur did you fall or something you can barely walk
Laura: yea, I tripped and fell 
Ross: I'll help with that
I picked Laura up bridal style and after put her in the car I dropped her off at her house
Laura's Pov
Laura: I quickly told Vanessa to take me to the pharmacy
Without asking questions, we left, and after checking the pregnancy test I saw a little pink plus sign, oh s*it, Vanessa had to leave so I couldn't tell her, I quickly called up Riker
*phone convo*
Laura: Riker we are in big trouble, I took a pregnancy test and now I'm pregnant
Riker: meet me at Starbucks in 5
Laura: k
*end of phone convo*
Laura: what do we do, I can't get a abortion
Riker: what why not
Laura: cause I'm 15, I'm pretty sure it's not even legal
Riker: so what are you gonna do have the baby?!
Laura: do you see another option
Riker: but I have girlfriend!
Laura: and I have a boyfriend
Riker: what's Vanessa going to think
Laura: what's Ross going to think
Riaura: wait how do you know Vanessa/Ross
Riaura: he's/ she's my brother/ sister
Riker: just great, I'm cheating on my girlfriend with my brothers girlfriend
Laura: and I'm cheating on my boyfriend with my sisters boyfriend
Riaura: wait why didn't they tell us they were dating, stop that, stop, ok I'll stop
Laura: we'll figure that out later now, what do we do about the baby
Riker: if I'm the dad then....I have to help raise the baby
Laura: heck yea you do, you are not leaving me alone to raise a child
Ronessa(Ross and Vanessa): YOU GUYS HAVE A WHAT
Riaura: what are the you two doing here
Ronessa: we followed you here to find out what was going on, we can tell when you two are lying
Riaura: let's just talk about this
Ross: fine
Laura: ok, so last night at the party we all got drunk and me and Riker ended up......
Ronessa: seriously?!
Riker: Laura's pregnant
Ross: you know I love you Laura but what do we do about the baby
Riker: there's no way out of this but to have the baby
Vanessa: so....if you guys want to raise a child you'll have to break up with me
Riker: what if we put the baby for adoption
Laura: what kind of monster are you
Riker: there's no other choice
Ross: I guess this is it
Laura: it doesn't have to be,wait what if Ross helps me raise the baby
Riker: but I'm the dad
Laura: I know but Ross can help me raise the baby he can logically be the dad
Riker: I'm fine with that
Laura: Ross, would you like to help me raise this child
Ross: I would love to every time, you turn around I'll be there helping you, with your morning sicknesses and your mood swings, tell me what you want I'll get for, you want the world you got it, this baby may not be mine but I'll be the best possible dad and boyfriend anyone could ever ask for*ross says giving me a kiss and looking into my eyes*
Vanessa: why don't you say something sweet to me! *vannessa says hitting rikers arm*
Riker: sorry?
Ross's Pov
I can't wait for my baby to be born, well my brothers baby
*5 months later*
Ross: let's go!
Laura: shut up! I'm trying to vomit in peace
Ross: your going to be late for the doctors appointment to find out the gender
Laura: ok done
Ross: let's go
The doctor was going to tell us the baby's gender, me and Laura wanted to find out now so we could get the room, and   find baby names
Doctor: you baby's a healthy......

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