Chapter 2

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There they were in the middle of nowhere!

"Over Here!" Niki yelled it looks safe!

"Ahhh! Help my jacket stuck on a tree branch!" Sara yelled in terror.

"Where are you little girls!?" Screamed an unknown voice from deeper in the woods. Just then... 'Slam! wake up we're going to be late, did you forget about your alarm clock?' Mom yelled in a rush "Whoa that was a weird dream. "I'm coming mom don't worry!" Niki yelled.

"Here take your lunch and grab an apple for breakfast! Love you!" yelled Mom in a rush to get out the door.

"Love you too!" Niki said while rushing out the door. As Niki was walking to the bus stop.

"Niki!" Sara yelled in excitement "Are you ready for the first day of 7th grade? Well I am can't wait there will be new friends and new BOYS!" said Sara so fast that Niki could hardly understand her.

"Hey Sara slow done and I know I am excited its just I had a weird dream last night and you were in it so was this guy? Whatever never mind its stupid."

"Ok then? Do you think you will find "the one"? But it's sad that we won't be in the same house." Sara said while skipping in a happy voice. As the two friends went on to the bus stop Niki couldn't stop thinking about the weird dream but then she realized that it's just a dream and she should worry about the big day today. Now they were by the bus stop "Hello there my name is Walter and I will be your bus driver." Said Walter in a happy voice.

"Wow the bus driver is better than our elementary one." said Sara in a surprised voice.

"Ya for now, I can't wait though what if I do meet "the one"?" Niki said finally realizing what is coming.  As they sat on the bus together they meant no one new on the bus so they just talked while Niki drew what she saw in her dream.

"What you drawing there in your notebook?" Sara asked politely

"Oh this? Nothing." Niki said as she tucked it away in her backpack as they arrived at school.

"Hey what about that boy, wait that boy looks your type!" Sara said in excitement.

"Whoa!"Niki said while falling.

"Sorry my friend pushed me into you." Said the new boy

"Its ok, hey my name is Niki." said Niki in a sweet voice

"Hi Niki, My name is.....

"Come on we got to go Niki!" yelled Sara while pulling her away towards the 7th grade hallway.

"Hey I didn't get that boy's name!" Said Niki in a sort of angry voice.

"Oh you mean that sort of cutie? Whatever you'll find him again." Said Sara with a grin on her face.

"Hopefully." Whispered Niki with a smile on her face.

"Well see you!" yelled Sara as she walked to her own locker and Niki walked to her own locker.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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