Chapter 1

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6 years. That's how many years it's been since I met him. The blue eyed, black haired adorable weirdo that is my best friend.
Phil. The name that has bought joy and happiness to my life. The one that's saved me from many dark times. The one I love and I wish I could tell him how much I love him... But I can't. It kills me knowing that the one I love doesn't love me back, he'd never love me. Nobody does. I'm just a nobody. I'm a waste of space, I'm pathetic. I'm ugly, fat and worthless. Sometimes I just wish I could end it all. Stop the pain that has been attacking and haunting me for so many year.. I just wish I could but I can't. I can't hurt phil like that. He's all I have. Phil, I wish I could explain how much I love him, how much joy he's bought to me. He's perfect. Everything about him is perfect. His smile is perfect. When he laughs his tongue pokes out the side of his mouth.. That's perfect. I want to hug him and kiss him but I just can't! Why?.... He doesn't love me that way. He loves me like a brother. He sees me like a brother but I see him as my lover.. I guess it's just a Forbidden Love.
A/N: hey guys I hope you like this so far. I doubt that this story will ever get any views but whatever. Anyway byee!!

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